Friday, March 19, 2010

Iron Sharpens Iron: R.C. Sproul, Jr.: Believing God: 12 Biblical Promises Christians Struggle to Accept

This was an amazing interview. R.C. Sproul Jr was interviewed on his new book "Believing God: 12 Biblical Promises Christians Struggle to Accept". I can't believe the insight he brought. I mean I thought: "I'm a Christian! I believe everything the Bible says!" Truth is I listened to the interview because I wanted to see how much like his father he is and didn't really expect to be as blown away as I was. He said he wrote the book because when he honestly looks at scripture he came to the realization that there were something that God promises that he did not literally interpret the statement as it  is stated. Two examples he brought up, I've got to share.

5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. James 1:5-6

He said one day, he looked at that and thought, no way is it saying that God will just give me wisdom if I ask...there has got to be more to it than that so he went on a mission to find out what the passage is truly saying. and came back to his first interpretation. I heard myself in his words. i realized that i too did not take that promise at face value. I'm still repenting! I was struck. Often times i feel at a loss for what to do. I pray but I don't really expect God to show me what to do. 

Dr. Sproul then went on to identify 12 such promises in the Bible. He didn't cover them all but hbe did talk about a few. another one that caught my attention is the point he made that many of us don't give God's forgiveness of our sin it's proper weight. We readily accept that God has forgiven our past crap but sometimes falter in believing the same as for the present and future issues we wrestle to overcome. Jesus' righteousness is imputed to us. 

If you can't say "Amen", say "ouch"!!!

Iron Sharpens Iron: R.C. Sproul, Jr.: Believing God: 12 Biblical Promises Christians Struggle to Accept
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