Tuesday, August 24, 2010

DEA Looking For People Who Can Translate "Ebonics" - The Snob Blog - Danielle Belton's The Black Snob

I just could not resist linking to this story. I do agree that not all black people can understand every single slang term out on the street. I know I don't. The article is interesting. I should have seen this one coming. I especially like the clip from "Airplane" embedded in the post. I wonder if the DEA ever saw this and decided it was a good idea.


DEA Looking For People Who Can Translate "Ebonics" - The Snob Blog - Danielle Belton's The Black Snob
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  1. "Ebonics" is not a written language, at least not yet. It is oral. To write it using traditional English characters will inherently devalue it because you will spell "Ebonics" terms using misspelled English words, thus framing "Ebonics" as a deviant or corrupted version of English. this is no more true than to say that Spanish is a "corrupted" version of Italian. speakers of the language should come up with an alphabet that captures the nuances of the language. we wouldn't say a n with a tilde is corrupted form of "n", we recognize it as a character that appears in non-English languages. we need to recognize the authenticity of "Ebonics" as a distinct language that deserves to be respected and NOT some form of uneducated English.

  2. Most of these terms have been created by ashkenazim. WE don't talk like this. Thanks to Tavis Stock Institute designer for our community norms the white supremacist culture can absorb we seem like baffoons to them. However what the hell do you think texting is all about. More white/jews end up not being able to speak in coherent sentences which leads to silence.

  3. In all actuality instilled within logical sincerity, the defiled description placed upon the middling being of African DNA native to the western hemisphere is self-oppressively entangled in the envelopment of our deficient fortitude in preserved desire for education. Our interpretation throughout generations toward recompenses of civically due garnishment inhumanly unanswered resulted in despoliation of self-worth reflective to the accountability in the foundation of one’s character such as awareness of articulate enunciation. While inaugurate insurgency from sadistically demeaning oppressed foreign cultural practice is natural in all forms of life; resentment of studious obligatory within responsibility to the development of one’s comprehension is only natural in fetters of death… Kahbjamenaa
