Thursday, February 17, 2011

Debunking Christianity: Quote of the Day, by Paula Kirby in the Washington Post

John Loftus posted the following quote

Religion claims to set its followers free, while all the time holding them in thrall and insisting they kiss the hand of their jailer. There can be no true freedom so long as religion still keeps the human mind in shackles. Link

I think the quote is very timely and perfectly shows what the Bible says about humanity is true: We truly don't know why we stumble. The quote clearly shows the understanding that we are incomplete and not free. The problem is that Paula Kirby thinks its because of religion we are enslaved and misses the point that our jailer is not our desire to find God and relate to God. Our jailer is our own fallen, sin-sick human nature. There can be no true freedom without God. What is religion? It's our feeble attempts to approach God on our terms - as if what we can say or do can free us from our separation and make us complete. It can't - even "Christianity" lived on any terms outside of what the Bible says can fix our situation and release our shackles. Only Jesus can can do that.

Debunking Christianity: Quote of the Day, by Paula Kirby in the Washington Post
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