Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Atheism is Dead: The Mad Pagan Skeptic, part 3

Still-Life with a Skull, vanitas painting.Image via Wikipedia
Mariano has release his final piece discussing the insanity of paganism. Here is his introduction. I highly recommend this series - read all three parts!
"We now conclude our tripartite consideration of the mad Pagan skeptic having already considered Friedrich Nietzsche’s virtual prophecy about what would come about due to the death of God.
We also considered a biblical statement about humanity’s natural knowledge of God and our purposeful negation of such knowledge.
Now we will consider to what atheism has come as they seek to find meaning in a meaningless universe and seek to prop up their favored ideas upon contradictions of their own making.

This essay will be parsed as follows:
1) An Exposition of The Parable of the Mad Man
2) Neo Pagan Atheism
3) The Modern Skeptic"

Atheism is Dead: The Mad Pagan Skeptic, part 3
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