Sunday, August 10, 2014

Atheist Memes: Forgiveness of Sin

Uh no. My sins were forgiven and atoned for once and for all when Jesus died on the cross. What about your sins?


  1. So, any new sins you commit after some magical ritual ceremony get grandfathered in? That's cool, very convienent.

  2. Magic has nothing to do with it. Nothing convenient about it either. To atone for our sins requires a perfect sacrifice. The Old Testament sacrificial system symbolizes what Jesus ultimately did. Neither you nor I are a worthy sacrifice. If you don't take God up on dealing with your sins, what are you going to do about them?

  3. You didn't answer the question. All future sins you commit are automatically atoned for, yes or no?

  4. Yes. Because of what Jesus Did, Now go read Romans 6 to see what the implications that has.
