Sunday, August 10, 2014

Antichrist Memes:Definition of Sin

To deny that sin exists is the same as denying that lying, cheating, murder, stealing, and all the other horrible things that people do to one another do not happen either. The only reason you would not need a cure is if you like evil.

Atheist Memes: Forgiveness of Sin

Uh no. My sins were forgiven and atoned for once and for all when Jesus died on the cross. What about your sins?

Antichrist Meme: Morality

So....I do not like murder. Does that mean I should not support laws against people who think its okay in their given circumstances? I mean if they think they have more right to live than another person, who am I to tell them they don't have the right to do what they want? Do you really wanna live like that? I don't and the presuppositions in this mean undercuts the whole message of the Matrix Trilogy.