Thursday, April 2, 2009

Atheism is Dead: Dan Barker - Scriptural Misinterpretations and Misapplications, part 2 of 14

Well over at the Atheism is Dead Blog, Mariano has published his part 2 of the article Dan Barker - Scriptural Misinterpretations and Misapplications. It is awesome. Everyone should read it!

Atheism is Dead: Dan Barker - Scriptural Misinterpretations and Misapplications, part 2 of 14

Scrutinizing Michelle Obama...Again

People are such nit-pickers!!!!

Embedded video from CNN Video

Easter Is Coming

Well it is that time of year again. Easter and Christmas is the time when critics of Christianity attacks Jesus with reckless abandon. Fortunate God has given us the antidote for our minds and amminition to fight with. Here is a two part video from the John Ankerberg Show where Dr Gary Habermas and Dr. Craig Evans answer the claims of the following:

1. Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code
2. Bart Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus
3. Michael Bagent's The Jesus Papers
4. James Tabor's The Jesus Dynasty
5. the ancient gnostic Gospel of Judas.

What if Atheist Ruled The World?

I came across the following video. Some might say that it's just irreverent humor. I think that it must be commented upon because it's an apologetic for atheism. A group of young men act as fundamentalist Christians making some of the most ridiculous claims against evolution imaginable. The YouTube posts that it's based on real comments made by Christians. I have to admit that they have a point...some of the comments are stupid showing at best ignorance at worst...lies.

It amounts to "Christians" attacking a carachature of evolutionists and atheists. Their arguments are misrepresented. The producers are saying that Christians are too stupid to even understand what evolutionist believe let-alone argue against it. And they are saying that Christians think that anyone who does not believe the way we do are immoral and are bad parents. It's interesting how the producers of this video are arguing against a perceived stereotype against themselves with their own stereotypes of Bible-believing Christians. Truly pathetic.