Monday, April 18, 2011

The Dunamis Word: Easter & The Resurrection, Debunking Novel Speculations

Technically, Easter is more important than Christmas. Elder Harvey Burnett has written a great post about Easter and history. Please follow the link to read it!

The Dunamis Word: Easter & The Resurrection, Debunking Novel Speculations
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El Shaddai – Part 1 | Dr. Claude Mariottini – Professor of Old Testament

Dr. Claude Mariottini has posted a piece on the name "El Shaddia" - what it means and what does the Hebrew teach us about God.

Follow the link to read his essay.

El Shaddai – Part 1 | Dr. Claude Mariottini – Professor of Old Testament
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Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: Bart Ehrman unknowingly refutes Islamic Polemics

Here is a very important article! If you have heard any Muslims or Atheists recently, then you have probably have heard them use Dr. Bart Ehrman's work to argue against Christianity. I like this article because it shows that many of Ehrman's arguments against Christianity also applies to Islam. And the false conclusions he draws about Christianity would also apply to Christianity. Muslims also seems to forget that Ehrman does agree with some aspect of mainstream Christianity:

Even Bart Ehrman knows that:
Jesus was crucified,
Jesus was buried,
that Paul met with James and others of the 11 disciples/apostles,
and that the gospel of John really does teach the Deity of Christ!

Follow the link to read more.

Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: Bart Ehrman unknowingly refutes Islamic Polemics
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The Temptation of Christ (Matthew 4:1-11) « Psalm Trees

Stephen Notman has written a great exegetical piece on Matthew 4:1-11. I really enjoyed it. Take a look at it using the following link.

The Temptation of Christ (Matthew 4:1-11) « Psalm Trees
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Jesus - the Anime - ReelComix

I realize that some people may be offended by a movie based on Jesus, especially one done animated in Japanese style. I don't have a problem with it, personally. I don't see a film or an animated film as profane or evil any more than live-action "Passion" plays. Such films help ground our understanding by giving us something to see. In the first century, Christians were so close to actual events they understood what Jesus actually went through. Some of them had family and friends who had been crucified. It was a reality for them - not just history. I'd like to see the rest of this film. So I'll post more information about it as soon as I get more information.

Guess Who's Getting Their Own Anime? Jesus - ReelComix
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