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I was pointed to the book Refuting Compromise by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati. I really am grateful to my brother-in-Christ Mike Felker for suggesting it. He aid that it would help me understand more about why Hugh Ross is wrong and Young Earth Creationism is the best answer way to understand scripture. I have to admit that I have not read the book yet, but I did find Dr. Sarfati lecturing on the contents of the book in a video on YouTube. I hope the book is better than the lecture because I thought that it was insulting to Dr. Ross and did not explain how Young Earth Creation explains the scientific evidence and scripture. I don't agree with how Ross reconciles the two but I can see he is trying. Sarfarti accused him of compromising scripture in order to accept science. I disagree. Hugh Ross does not start from science and then inconsistently denies scripture. I have heard Ross say many many times that if something science says is true then scripture must not contradict it. I agree. Therefore when I run across a Bible/scientific contradiction then one of two things must be true: either my understanding of scripture is wrong or the science is wrong. I'd counsel care in determining which is which. Sarfari's greatest argument I think is the idea that death could not have existed on earth before human sin. However arguing that plants don't die seems to me like a bad argument. I admit that I don't have an answer but I don't like Ross' answer either about soul-less hominids existing before Adam. What i would really like to see is a young earth argument for explaining all the science that dates the earth far more than 6000 years. I also think that the bible does not give us enough information to find the age of the earth. If God will not tell us when this world ends why would we think we can calculate when it began? Even if the earth was created in 6 twenty-four hour days, why would that week be 6000 years ago and not 6 billion years ago? There simply isn't enough data to call anyone to the carpet about. I also think its important to recognize God could have done it in any period of time He wanted - 6 seconds or 6 trillion years or anything He wanted. The question is what did He choose to do? I don't know. But to me science is about figuring out what He did.
YouTube - Refuting Compromise by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati