- Free BibleReader app with assortment of free Bibles: KJV, ASV, HCSB, JPS1917, NET (w/ limited notes)
- Most developed, most resources
- Study Bibles (e.g., ESV, HarperCollins, HCSB, NET w/ full notes: most in $10-30 range)
- Greek and Hebrew Bibles (SBLGNT for free; BHS, LXX, NA27 also available in morphological versions w/ lexicons: $30-75 range)
- Commentaries, dictionaries, devotionals, eBooks, maps, Strong's resources available
- Josephus and Philo (English) are free
- Android development lags behind iPhone/iPod Touch and earlier PalmOS and WinMobile, but they are busy expanding capabilities for Androi
- Many non-English Bibles available
- I have been a long time user of OliveTree, and I appreciate the ability to move my library from one platform to the next. (Palm > Axim > DroidX) I'm using versions I purchased previously like the NRSV and BHS, and the new SBL GNT is also on my DroidX. I have Philo and Josephus there too. The only problem is that I had purchased the Gramcord NT with its morphological analysis and dictionary, but this is not available on Android. They now offer a new morphologically tagged GNT (the Greek New Testament (NA27) with Mounce-Koivisto Morphology and UBS Dictionary), but it's still rather expensive, even with an upgrade path they offer. Given all the work OliveTree has done, their longevity in the business, and the wide collection of resources they offer, this one comes highly recommended.
"Over 60 Bibles, Dictionaries, Commentaries and Books available for offline reading"
Free versions include: ASV, KJV, NA26 GNT, Westcott-Hort NA26/UBS3 GNT, Scrivener GNT,
NET (w/ limited notes), Tanach (public domain Hebrew), LXX, Vulgate,
Search, bookmarks, notes, sharing, highlighting, reading plans
Parallel view (translations and/or commentaries; e.g., I have Gen 1:1 on screen showing NET, LXX, Hebrew, Vulgate!)
Can synchronize with Evernote
Non-English Bibles available
I am keeping this one on my DroidX because, as far as I have found, it's the only one to have a free LXX and Hebrew text. What's more, the Parallel view feature is extremely helpful to have Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English versions of a verse all on screen together
Biblical Studies and Technological Tools: Bible Software for Android
Tyr out Mantis.
ReplyDeleteI have Olive Tree and Mathis Bible study software on my iPhone, and I love them both.
Olive Tree boasts The ESV Study Bible Notes, the Origninal Geneva Bible notes, and a host of translations.
Mantis boasts a great link of Calvin's Commentaries, John MacArthur's study notes, a multitude of Bible translations, and all linked together by verse. In two or three twitches of my thumb I can go from MacArthrur's notes to Calvin's Commentaries on the same verse.
Great stuff.
Thanks. Mathis seems truly epic.