Monday, June 1, 2009

10 Reasons Why there is No Comparision Between Jesus and Superman

I came across the following blog post that was linked from Twitter. It's called 10 Reasons Why Superman is better than Jesus. It's obviously stupid. But for the sake of argument, I think we must answer trivial arguments like this so the author will not be so smug in his stupidity. I will respond to each point he raises in his post. My comments are in red.

Mon, Jun 1, 2009

This article
made me want to include a little list of why Superman is better than Jesus. I’ve made a comparative list so that I can definitively prove that the last son of Krypton is superior to the King of Kings in almost every way.

  1. Superman has saved the planet for destruction numerous times. Jesus has threatened to return and bring upon the end of the earth with him, but so far is a fucking “no-show”.

    Jesus keeps all of reality from falling apart. Considering that, I'm sure Jesus is coming back.

    For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.
    - Colossians 1:16-18

  2. Jesus performed a few miracles, but Superman can shoot laser beams out of his eyes, he can fly, is indestructible, and can see through everything except lead. In one movie he turned back time. How awesome is that?

    Jesus can see into people's hearts and know what they are thinking. Jesus can raise the dead and cure all diseases. Superman has never done any of that.

    Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name.[a] 24But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men. 25He did not need man's testimony about man, for he knew what was in a man. John 2:23-25

    On top of that Superman is no longer able to turn back time or juggle planets anymore. Jesus never changes! He has no need to evolve or grow!

    Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

    Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by ceremonial foods, which are of no value to those who eat them. - Hebrews 13: 7-9

  3. Jesus may have died for your sins, but Superman died to protect us from an intergalactic killing machine called Doomsday.
  4. Sorry but hell is a whole lot scarier than Doomsday. Doomsday only threatened physical life. It is through Jesus Christ that we are freed from sin and eternal separation from God. Through not only get eternal life but you get to be free of making stupid mistakes through which you destroy yourself!
  5. When Jesus died, he was resurrected 3 days later and then abruptly left, telling his disciples he’d be back within their lifetimes (an obvious lie). Superman died, was in stasis for a while, and emerged with long glorious 90’s hair. Unlike Jesus, however, Superman stuck around and has been busy keeping the world safe from evil.
  6. Jesus never said He would return during their lifetime! To say so is reading something into the Bible that it does not say! Jesus is better than Superman because he changes the hearts and minds of sinners like you and me and makes us children of the living God.
  7. Although not a God, Superman still risks his life all the time trying to combat super villains. Jesus, on the other hand, is apparently all powerful, and yet refuses to do something as basic as healing amputees.
  8. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." - Daniel 3:16-18
  9. Superman can move mountains. Jesus claims praying to him will accomplish the same feat, but no noticeable effects from prayer have ever been measured.
  10. I've seen God moves when people pray...not coincidence. Jesus made the mountains and everything in reality.
    He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. - John 1:2-4
  11. Superman is an expert in dozens of languages, and is an accomplished journalist. Jesus never left any writings, or evidence of any of his works.
  12. Arguing from silence is not proof. Jesus spoke to Jews and gentiles. He at least could speak Aramaic and read Kione Greek. Considering that he created every nation and language...again Jesus won.
  13. Superman hooked up with the insanely hot Lois Lane, while the only women that showed any interest in Jesus were all prostitutes.
  14. We have no Biblical or Historical proof that Jesus hooked up with anyone! On top of that if the author was referring to the lies in the Da Vinci Code, the assertion holds no relevance because no where does the Bible say Mary Magdalene was a prostitute!
  15. Jesus said “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me” (Luke 19:27). Superman, on the other hand, has a strict code of conduct that forbids him to kill anyone.
  16. Context. Context. Context. Come' on. I thought you could read! The quote is taken out of context. Jesus was quoting a king in a parable, not giving a command! And as for how Jesus tells us to treat our enemies he said:
    "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies[b] and pray for those who persecute you,..." - Matthew 5: 43-44
    Jesus did not just say this, he modeled it for us.
    For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation— if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant. - Colossians 1: 19-23
  17. If you fell out of your apartment window and cried for help, Superman would try and save you. Not only will Jesus not even bother to save you; he will send you to hell for all eternity if you don’t believe in him.
  18. If you believe Jesus is who he claimed to be then you are one of His. This what Jesus promises us who belong to him:
    Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." - Matthew 28:19-20
I have tested this out and Jesus did not lie. He have never left me or forgotten me. He has always been there for me to matter how bad things have gotten for me.

Now some people may criticize me for this article, and they might be right: what’s the point in debating which fictional character is better, anyways?

I'm not going to criticize the author for pondering these points. We must all answer: "Who Is Jesus To Me?" If youthink he's just a fictional character you should look at what a real historian has to say in my earlier post called: Paul Maier - Jesus Really Existed.


  1. Even if he was a real historical figure and the evidence is fairly lacking though it can't really be proved either way. What can never be proved is that he performed any form of miracles what so ever. It doesn't matter if he existed as a historical figure just that he wasn't capable of magic

  2. At the original post's site, you commented "There is way more historical proof for Jesus than for anyone else in the 1st Century and better evidence than for Superman".

    That's not true. That's the sort of line that gets put out and is usually countered by talking about Julius Caesar. Roman historians wrote about Julius Caesar WHILE HE WAS ALIVE. There are coins with Caesar's head-profile stamped on them. Caesar himself WROTE TEXTS and we still have them.

    Seriously, go to the library or check Wikipedia. Truly, seriously: when you say "there is way more historical proof for Jesus than for anyone else in the 1st Century", that is NOT TRUE. Please, check your facts.

  3. Would it be wrong of me to denounce Christianity and follow Egyptian mythology? There have been a lot of people who tell me Jesus was part of some copyright infringement thing with Horus, and I'd rather not be on the wrong side for that. I mean, I understand that Christianity is just this kind of fad that's going around, but there's a reason fads die out. It's so they don't get caught in some silly legal trouble. Like lying to the masses, or stealing someone's identity. I don't know how much I can support someone who wants to kill everyone on the planet to. Horus wouldn't do that. He's cool.

  4. @panosl - Miracles do not equal magic. You have offered no serious rebuttal of any kind. You agree with me: Jesus did not do magic.

    @Troff - I was very careful in what I said. Julius Caesar died in 44 BC - he was not one of Jesus' contemporaries. Most of the historians in Ancients times were writing many many generations after the events they described. However, all of the New Testament is dated within the 1st Century.

    @McMunkee - What's with the stream of conciousness? You can't equate the Horus myth with Jesus. It does not fit!

    Before you dismiss the historicity of Jesus, you should listen to a real historian - an expert in ancient, first century history - Paul Maier. I put it in the post. None of you guys listened to it. I'll post it again Paul Maier - Jesus Really Existed.

  5. How about a little logic, if Jesus really existed and performed supernatural miracles (magic) then everyone would have no choice but to believe he really was the son of God. Atheist even admit that if there was physical proof of the existence of God then they would believe since seeing is believing. So there is no real reason to believe he existed, I'm sure if he was out raising people from the dead and healing the blind and all that other stuff everyone would believe just as if God showed himself now to everyone there would be no unbeliever.

  6. I posted this on the other site, but I thought it would fit here too...

    The bible ain't history, homeslice. Well, its old I suppose, but it isn't an historical account any more than the works of Homer. This was all in fun, but if you're intent on mounting a defense for your beliefs, you should at least do your homework first. There are no (none, zero, zip) independent historical mentions of Jesus Christ from any historian working at the time of his supposed life and death. If you're thinking of Josephus, the paragraph denoting the life of Jesus was most likely added in the 4th Century. No one else says anything about a "Jesus". "Christ" is sort of mentioned, but that is only greek for savior or messiah. Its a reach at best. But hey, if you wanna go grasping as straws, be my guest.

    I always liked Superman...

    Really, if you wanted to 1up Superman, all you'd have to say is: "Jesus has a few Billion followers who believe he actually exists. Superman has a few million fans, who enjoy his comic books." It doesn't make you less misguided, but at least its a fact. Quoting the Bible to justify an act of Jesus, is the same as me reading from a comic book and stating resolutely that it is an historical account of Superman eye-lazering a car in half somewhere in Metropolis.

  7. @Moses and @Anonymous are you guys saying that you know more than historian Paul Maier. Sorry, but I did do my homework, but none of you have because none of you have answered any of my points nor Dr. Maier's. It's really sad how you guys refuse to really consider the evidence. No serious historian deny's Jesus' existence. Even Bart Ehrman believes he existed.

  8. Bart Ehrman Doesn't believe he existed he used to but after really reading the bible and all of it's contradictions he decided that the figure of Jesus was mostly a myth just like Attis and Mithra both Gods with the similar back stories as Jesus; born of a virgin on December 25 died around the vernal equinox was resurrected after three days etc. Jesus is just another story made up to gain control over the population and milk them for their money. Does it even say anything in the new testament about tithing? I don't remember ever reading it anywhere except the old testament and yet Christians always claim that Jesus came to get rid of the Old Testament and yet Christians still want to use the Old Testament...

  9. ... when it benefits their cause like during the civil war when it was used by the south to say slavery was ok and when women wanted to vote and the church tried to use the bible to prevent that and now with gay rights. Religion is just a tool to oppress the masses

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. News flash! 44BCE is in the 1st century.

    If you mean the 1st century ACE, there are plenty of historical figures available for us to choose from. Augustus lived until 14ACE, and everything Troff mentioned about Caesar can be applied to him, too.

    And Marcus, Moses DID address your point: he is saying that to argue Jesus exists you must provide a source that doesn't have dubious historical authenticity. We don't believe the Bible to be a purely historical text, so you citing it all the time doesn't prove a thing.

  12. I never referred to 1st century BCE I was only talking about 1st century ACE. The comment I was referring to was concerning Julius Caesar not Augustus. Troff never brought up Augustus. Try again.

    Mose didn't address anything the Bible has to say about who Jesus is. If you want to throw out the Bible text and say it's not true...fine...but that wasn't in the guidelines of the discussion. It's like saying you can't use any comic book or story featuring Superman because the character was rebooted in 1986 - throwing out everything that had ever happened to the character and started over.

    Where has Bart Ehrman ever repudiated Jesus' existence? I just heard him uphold the fact of his existence in an interview from just s few months ago. He denies what the Bible says about him not that he was living breathing person.

    Also have you ever really read up on mithras and the other so-called messiahs. None of them measure up or even can be equated with Jesus. No where does the Bible say Jesus was born Dec 25.

    When women and racism has been substantiated using the Bible it was reading crap into the text that is not there. Just look. You can't get racism and denigrating women out of the Bible without reading it out of context.

    Yes, the south used the Bible to condone slavery. but the north used it to abolish slavery. Only one is right...they both can't be right. Look at Ephesians 5 - the whole thing and tell me if the south read the whole chapter.

  13. I am wondering this: where did our idea of a Super man come from, anyway? Someone who hears when we call, can save us, and can restore justice? Don't we long for something, someone, who obviously must be bigger than us, to rescue and restore us? So much of art imitates this idea of a greater being who is righteous and powerful to save us--superheroes are an example of that. In all of our minds, there is an idea of how things should and should not be--killing innocent people is wrong, for example, murderers should be punished, etc. In our fiction, superheroes save us from that evil in the world. Fiction is a reflection of our understanding of reality. We see evil in the world. We know it's wrong. We know something must make it right. We know we are incapable of bringing justice and peace into an evil world. We look to and long for something bigger to accomplish this. In fiction it's Superman. What is it in real life?

  14. @Gretchen I really enjoyed your comments. In case anyone is confused...I'll come right out and say it: In real life the answer is Jesus. Ironically, Jesus came through the Jews (for real) and so did Superman. The character of Superman was created by two young Jewish American boys...who obviously drew on the messiah archetype.

  15. OY, I'll indulge you I suppose. For one thing, you're wrong about the subjugation of women in the bible:

    As in all the churches of the saints, women should be silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate, as the law also says. If there is anything they desire to know, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church. (NRSV, 1 Corinthians 14:33-35)

    But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the husband is the head of his wife, and God is the head of Christ. Any man who prays or prophesies with something on his head disgraces his head, but any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled disgraces her head(NRSV, 1 Corinthians 11:3-10)

    For just a few. Not out of context, Paul is saying that women should shut up in church, and should wear a veil in public. Oddly, he also says quite a bit about equality. His contradictions are interesting, and probably stem from edits during the council of Nicea. The Gospel of Mary had a lot to say about equality. Unfortunately, that gospel got thrown out of the "canon" bible when Rome decided to get all Christy and was sick of bishops preaching whatever they damn well felt like.

    To the historical note about the existence of Jesus or not: Anon said it right. Almost all "sources" that talk about Jesus being the savior, are from the church. People bring up historians talking about "Christians" in the 1st century. Which is interesting, because a Roman historian at that time would probably be unable to distinguish between christian/Jews. Just like eastern orthodox churches later thought Islam was a far branch of Christianity.

    I'm not saying I've read more than Dr. Maier. Its just that what I have read, I've looked at without an ulterior motive. If you look at the evolution of the Bible text itself, you can see the role of a messiah come into being right along with the suffering of the people who were writing it. When the kingdom of Judah got destroyed, a messiah figure was invented. Then, people read that, and Jesus showed up (well, when you throw in a thousand years).

    Its all so shamelessly invented. You have to constantly rationalize the contradictions, gaps, impossibilities, and political motivations behind your religion. If you dig into the history, culture, text, or evidence behind your religion at all, you immediately find yourself saying one of two things: "I'll have to take this on faith" or "that just doesn't make sense".

    Also, where do you get off assuming that I obviously MUST know less than some "historian" at the esteemed institute of higher learning that is WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY. You have no idea who I am. To dismiss what I say out of hand and then label it "sad" is a logical fallacy. One of the many of which I'm sure you are acquainted.

    You say you've done your homework but I haven't because I don't respond to your points. I responded to the ONE that you made earlier. When you make another, I'll have another go. That is if you respond to mine.

    As an aside, I find it interesting that the social impact of questioning Jesus' existence is never brought up in these debates. The fact that one ran the real risk of meeting violence from Jesus' gentle flock when investigating his origins is never mentioned. Yet, even then. Brave and educated people here and there throughout history, have questioned the existence of Jesus (and/or his claims to divinity, which sort of shoots the whole bible thing in the leg). Some of our founding fathers among them.

  16. @Moses...Thanks for finally providing a good and thoughtful response.

    1. The verses you quoted asserting the subjugation of women being prescribed in the Bible is being asserted without 2 very important points. Paul was not saying that all women should shut up in all churches without having ministerial authority. Several women in the New testament are cited as teachers and preachers by Paul himself so there is no way he could be saying women should shut up. Remember in Judaism at the time and in gentile circles few women were educated so often in the Corinthian churches women were asking questions and perhaps were being disruptive...hence that admonishiment to "ask your husband at home.:

    2. Paul did not say that women had to be veiled. You should have read further

    3Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. 4Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. 5And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is just as though her head were shaved. 6If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head. 7A man ought not to cover his head,[b] since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. 8For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; 9neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. 10For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head.

    11In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. 12For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God. 13Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, 15but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. 16If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God. 1 Corinthians 11:3-16 (NIV)

    Especially vs 16. Psul gave no law about women being veiled. He said follow your cultural practice...God is not making a command concerning it.

    3.The council of Nicea hand nothing to do with fixing Biblical canon. You need to read more than the Da Vinci Code. If you don't believe thst, then provide documents that say they discussed canon at Nicea.

    4. By pointing to Dr. Maier I am challenging you. He has read and done more research than you have as historian. You admit that you have not read as much as he has. I'm saying that he is a world-renowned expert and he disagrees with your understanding of the history of the ancient world. You should at least study his findings and see how they stack up with what you have read. I haven't just dismissed you out of hand. I've uncovered much of the same information you have, but the conclusions you have drawn don't hold up. I've found them wanting. It's been 2000 years, do you seriously think Christians haven't heard your objections before? Please, there are good answers for your objections. Check them out.

    5. Jesus' existence has been brought up in debate several times over the past 3 hundred years. You obviously didn't listen to the interview of Paul Maier I posted. He talked about debating thst very subject. He once debated Dan Bsrker on the reality of Jesus being a real historical person and he trounced Barker. Why aren't there more debates on this? Simple. Not because of fear in questioning Jesus' existence but because no serious scholar does! Even Bart Ehrman does not doubt Jesus existed. Aside from that there are many debates by James White and David Wood debating Jesus existence with muslim apologist. Check them out.

    I'm sorry but you don't know as much as you think. There is a lot to learn...for us all.

  17. If this were a trial, this article would be considered "heresay." And you lose.

  18. Is that all you got? I made arguments gave my sources. No questions? You must have not understood. Where's the beef. What are you calling into question? What are you taking issue with? Several lawyer in the the United States and the UK agree that the evidences for Jesus' resurrection more than stand up in a court of law. Check out Lee Strobel's work.

  19. An assertion of "hearsay" without explanation is not an apologetic.

  20. In the first 3 centuries there are at least 236 known references to Jesus.
    But I know that the skeptic will complain that there are not 237.
    Historical Jesus.


  21. Fact - Everyone willingly asmits Superman is a fictional character - not so with Jesus

    Fact - People have been tryin to discredit Jesus for 2000 years - Superman no one cares

    Name 1 person that knowledge of Superman changed their life - Jesus too many records to try and list

  22. the secular world brings up so many questions... its like we are all looking for an answer... I was an atheist... I asked questions (searched for an answer)... never gave up... found the answer... for even when i was not a believer, i believe that love cures all things, because it was the answer to any of life's problems... as a believer it made more sense. 1john 4:8

    Who can say that one can live in this world without love? Even atheist believed in love.

  23. So many logical fallacies from the christians, urgh.

    Using the bible to prove the bible is known as circular logic, man.

  24. Looks like someone forgot to take his medications...
    Please, take a dose of "Reality" with a glass of water.

  25. Its interesting to see the methods humans use to pretend that they really mean something. This is a very creative story, just as superman is, but in the end both stories are meant to take us into a fantasy land where anything is possible. Its stories like these that keep those that do not have the mental strength to contemplate chaos from acting erratically. sorry for ruining your mood, but were all just shat here.

  26. I'm curious to know why the author didn't really answer any of the points brought up by the original blog and bring in irrelevant quotes. If you're going to argue against something like this surely you need to face up to the point!

  27. I take great offense to the original article claiming it is comparing 2 fictional figures. It is not comparing to fictional figures, it is comparing one fictional and #%#$%$ SUPERMAN. Everyone knows superman exists, for real, just look at all those comic books. Why would someone write all those stories if he was not real?

  28. To the author, I notice that you've complained that many of these comments aren't serious counterarguments.

    Allow me to explain: we know there's no point. On the one hand no amount of reason will shake your faith, something which you're probably proud of as in our culture that is often considered a good thing. Meanwhile to those of us who do not have faith and do not value faith, the things that you point to as evidence appear so flimsy as to be essentially meaningless. I know you won't agree with that statement, but to us who value a different kind of evidence and approach both present and history with much greater skepticism I'm afraid it's our inevitable perspective.

    In other words, there is such a gulf of understanding between us that language itself fails us here. All we can really do is stare awkwardly at one another across a sea of words, trying in vain to figure out why the other would be so blind.

    That you used the phrase "obviously stupid" to describe the original article is very important. The fact is we don't take this article any more seriously than you take that one. We can't. We simply don't acknowledge the same axioms of reality as you do. So, some of us very rudely and others more politely, we say the same thing as you did- that this is "obviously stupid" from our perspective. It's frustrating, I know. Please try to understand that it's frustrating in the same way for most of us. In that we are not so different.

    So while we'd love to have a reasonable discussion that had a chance to achieve greater understanding, many of us simply don't bother. What's the point? What will it accomplish? Is there really the slightest chance at all that such a discussion would leave either of us as anything other than more frustrated than before we started?

    I wish I had an answer to the problem, but there it is.

  29. @Mariano:

    The first portion of the article you posted is:
    "So, how many early references are there?

    No one knows.

    The logical question is: how many have been found and or how many do we know about?"

    Whoever wrote this does not understand the meaning of reference. If we have not found it or do not know about it then we cannot reference it.

    Since the article begins with ignorance, I choose to assume there will be more to find within it and refuse to read it.

    Which is unfortunate; I relish the chance to be able to read historical evidence of Yeshua of Nazareth.

  30. too bad you cant really cite the bible as a credible source

  31. To all those who don't believe the Bible is not historically reliable that mistake is no reason to reject my article. My point was not that the Bible is true (although it is) only that the Bible proves that Jesus is greater than Jesus. The historicity of the Bible is dealt with in other posts on my blog. If you want to remove the Bible from discussion then that means you have to throw out all the comics, books, movies, and television from which I and the original post referenced about Superman Don't be mad, just surrender and follow Jesus.

  32. A couple of more points. To the anonymous comment that wants to reject Mariano's comment showing that there are 300 ancient references to Jesus outside the Bible, does that really make sense? Are u really ready to ignore 300 references just because there could be more that we don't and may never know about? That is real intelligent.

    And as for Jesus being based on earlier myths, I have a series of posts based on this fallacious argument. Read them here

  33. acwb1995@hotmail.comFebruary 23, 2010 at 7:30 AM

    honestly why are you comparing the graetest man ever and is followed by billions (jesus) to some one created by a mere man with a pen and paper

  34. Religious people listen up "You can not defend a lie". No matter how many centuries you spend trying. There is no scientific proof of GOD. The story about Jesus and your Bible has been written, re-written. Interpreted and reinterpreted. I bet you that as we speak, the Bible is being cooked up somewhere in this world to suit the current trend. There are so many versions that it has no credibility as truth.

  35. "Don't be mad, just surrender and follow Jesus"

    Are prisoners being taken?

    Jesus was made for a mission. To be killed by us?
    God is omnipotent, all-knowing.
    So, Jesus was made by God and all-knowing being. His mission, which would result in his death, had a predicted and known outcome. God knew!

    God set up humanity to kill Jesus, who was made for this. Then we're suppose to feel bad about killing Jesus even though God knew we would?

    If God wanted to be known then I'm sure he'd have a more convincing way. Giant, internationally understood and undeniable flaming letters in the sky?

    God and Jesus are not the same. Basic understanding is to not worship false idols, Moses' time right?
    Moses predates Jesus, right?
    Does that set up Jesus as a false idol, a sin?
    Jesus communicates with God, interaction between seperate entities.
    God would predate Jesus
    Jesus has powers bestowed upon him, he doesn't make miracles he's a median for power from God.

    Superman is just cool. Yeah, he was revamped... so what? Didn't the Bible get revamped through meetings like the Council of Trent?

  36. Lol the entire works cited is just the Bible. Sorry my friend, one fictional story is not very scholarly research or proof of anything.

  37. I believe in God, but I don't believe in Jesus. The reason for that is because it is very hard for me to believe that people in the bible actually did any of the things that were claimed that they did. Such as Moses parting the sea; Noah gathering one of every animal and getting his family, and being one of the only ones lucky enough to survive the 40 days and nights of rain; Daniel surviving the lions den, etc.

    Am I to believe that any of that actually happened? It's all symbolism, and if all of that didn't occur, how am I supposed to believe that Jesus walked on water, or made water into wine? It's the same thing. Why am I to believe that the bible is just different that any other book that was written by any other human? It's all just stories to tell people so that humans would be better people.
    It's similar to Fairy Tales. If you think about it, some of the Fairy Tales were pretty scary, but they (most of the time) had a good turn out for the hero. It was so that people knew to be good people and not to be harmful or hurtful to others. It's the same thing.

  38. Wow, I'm amazed that this post is actually one of the most popular post on the blog. I just decided to go back and look to see if there are new comments since the last time I looked. I want to point out that there is a link in one of the comments here from Mariano pointing out 300 ancient references to the historicity of Jesus outside the Bible. Also you may want to really think about your position if you want to reject the Bible as a source. You have no standing to do so. On top of that the Bible we have in all the major scholarly translations are just like the oldest copies of the Bible with no variation in content. The council of Trent had nothing to do with the Bible or what's it it. It was Catholics trying to decide what it means to be Roman Catholic.

    Grayce, why do you reject the miracles of the Bible. Other than the fact that you don't see how they happened, what proof do you have they did not happen?

  39. Fuck Christianity!!!

  40. Marcus, so sorry to see you have fallen to masses that need to believe in fairy tails. Grayce can reject the bible as a source, who are you to say she has no standing to do so? What does that even mean, has no standing, it is you that likes to twist the words around to suite your needs. All in the name of a religion that you feel gives you the right to tell people they should give you money to tell them about. She rejects the so-called miracles of the bible because they are just fairy tails. She does not have to prove they did not happen, remember, can't prove a negative. The burden of proof falls on the one claiming the miracle, yes that would be you, the believer. With great claims must come great evidence. Give it up Marcus and stop lying to and stealing from those you preach to.

  41. @Anonymous_6-23-2010 - God love you and may He bless you.

    @Anonymous_6-24-2010 - Fairy Tales? Do you mean macro evolution or your world view? Must be what you are talking about. I didn't say that she doesn't have the right to question the Bible; I'm saying that no one has the right to reject the Bible without evidence. When you say miracles are false you are making a truth claim for which you have no proof of all the while claiming that I have a burden of proof. That doesn't fly. I don't tell people that they should give me money. The only money I can count on getting I earn from my own work. You are the one lying about what you know and what you don't know

  42. If Macro Evolution was true then he was the only human being that live. So is there so many Race these days? White, Black, Mexcian, ASian?....

  43. @#10

    You said you've tested it? did you try to jump?


  44. Isn't it interesting? The devil tried to get Jesus to jump off a cliff in order to prove that God was with him too. Coincidence? Anonymous_11-28-2010, are you the devil? You are making the same attack he did on Jesus. And therefore Jesus', my master's, rebuttal is for you as well

    Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” Matthew 4:7

    And I've also got to add:

    Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Matthew 16:23

  45. Gideon and Elijah would like to disagree.

  46. Niether, Elijah nor Gideon tested God in order to make him prove himself but asked God to confirm what they thought God wanted them to do. Jesus did not need such confirmation. Jesus knew and knows who he is! Are u sure u are not Satan? You sure like to twist scripture the way Satan does. You should really check in
    to that.

  47. Are you that insecure about you're own religion that you have to defend it from a fictional character?

    Also When have people use superman name to kill off millions of people?

    Superman fans - 1

    Christians - 0

  48. As a fan of Superman I am merely trying to help people like you rise above your entrapment of ignorance. Given that Superman was inspired by Jewish history and religion without Moses and Jesus there would be no Superman just like there wouldn't be any you either.

    ALSO given that you would even assume you can award yourself points in such a discussion only goes to show how deluded you are given the clear evidence.
