Tuesday, December 8, 2009

James Bond: Agent, Hero or Misogynist? : A Feminist Reading of the Film Dr. No

Sean Connery as James Bond in Dr No, is introd...Image via Wikipedia
James Bond: Agent, Hero or Misogynist? : A Feminist Reading of the Film Dr. No
A feminist reading of the film Dr. No.

This article is interesting and reminds me of  "many" scholarly articles/books where the author takes a piece of art and rcuts it to pieces with an ideological ax to grind. In this case: feminism. The premise pf the articles is that James Bond is nothing but a chauvinistic, alpha-male - out to dominate women by possessing them sexually. Okay. While James Bonds is far from the model of a man that God wants me to be like, i think the article is fairly harsh. And no, saving the world time and time again is not enough to offset using women for sexual self-aggrandizement, but I think a lot was read into Dr. No that is not really there but was only used  to emphasize the point: James Bond....bad. Women standing up for themselves....good.

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