Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chuck Missler - Return Of The Nephilim

Here is a talk that Chuck Missler gave regarding UFOs, extraterrestrial life, and the Nephilim. Here is what Missler said.

I agree with Missler on the science he presented. I even agree with his discussion of dimension and perspective. He makes good points. And I think that these ideas shared by many should be explored.

I heard a talk given by Dr. Walter Martin that shows that he thought that perhaps the talk of UFOs were because of beings that exist in higher dimensions than just the 4 we easily perceive. Some folks even go as far as postulating that the aliens that are reported are actually demons. Martin, didn't really go as far as that, but he did say that we can't just ignore the accounts of so many who claim to have interacted with extraterrestrial life. They are seeing something...experiencing something.

I have to disagree with the further assertions Missler makes. Things such as that demons attempting to pollute the human gene pool to keep the Messiah from being born or that the Nephilim of the Bible were half-human and half angel. I just don't think that the Bible holds up that interpretation.

Missler had to go outside the Bible, the apocryphal "Book of Enoch" to come up with his hypothesis. In addition the view kind of requires that we think that God and Lucifer are equals playing chess and that there is a possibility that God can loose if he doesn't block the movers Satan is doing. For example, Missler said that God sent the flood to kill the hybrids, and that Noah was saved because his DNA and that of his family was untainted. The Bible says God chose to save Noah because

 This is the account of Noah.
      Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.  Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth.
 Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways.  So God said to Noah, "I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.- Genesis 6:9-13 (NIV)

The KJV says Noah was "perfect in his Generation" but I think that the NIV is clearer. God was not choosing Noah because of his genetic purity....but for his moral purity. In addition we have no scripture that says that Angels are able to take physical form at will on their own prerogative. All this leads me to reject the notion that the Nephilim were not just human. So why would God allow demons to deceive the world into thinking that they are space aliens? I think the jury is out if this hypothesis is true or not...I'm gonna vote - I don't know what UFOs are or what people are experiencing.

Chuck Missler - Return Of The Nephilim

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  1. Hello,

    I was reading your respnse to Missler's Gen 6 teaching and saw your statement about Noah being chosen for his "moral purity." Regardless of which translation we read (NIV, KJV, NLT), Scripture as a whole would deny your statement. Our righteousness is as filthy rags and "there is no one righteous, no not one..." Further, I checked Missler's claims about the word "tamiyim" - or "perfect," being the closest english word to translate to, does refer to a persons physical cleanliness. In this case, it is saying that his genetic line was also clean.

    I hope this is taken in the spirit in which it is given - a peaceful one in which we sharpen as "iron to iron."



  2. Hey thanks, Steve. I see your point about no human being can claim abject righteousness. i agree. Ultimately we can say that God chose Noah because He wanted to. However, I do think we can say that Noah was more moral and loved God more than his neighbors. Vs 9 explicitly says Noah was righteous. As for "perfect in his generations" is from the KJV and more modern translations support my understanding. Even if you think the word is referring to Noah's personal physical cleanliness there is no reason to think of his genetics. What could have polluted the gene pool? Are you thinking the human gene pool was tainted outside of God's control by fallen angel? I see no reason to take that track. We know all kinds of sins can taint one's body and we can infer that Noah stayed away from those not that his genetics was clean.

  3. "In addition we have no scripture that says that Angels are able to take physical form at will on their own prerogative."

    What about the angels with Lot who were perceived as men and were sought after for relations?

    What about entertaining angels unaware in Hebrews? It is countered that this is messenger or a minister. I don't see that and the angels with Lot back this up!

    What about in 1 Peter and Jude where Jesus was talking about the spirits in Prison who left their first abode?
