Thursday, July 10, 2008



Well, the year is half over. It's going by so fast!!! Opps! I'm digressing right from the start, aren't I?! goes.

Here is some information about me. I am 33 years old. Blessed to be married to a beautiful woman (left), and to be a daddy of a little girl (right). I am an engineer and have a variety of interests.

Let me start at why I am finally starting a blog. Let me enumerate them:
  1. Google has made it a simple 3 step process and made the service easily customizable
  2. Google's blogger tool can be hosted by them or from a normal web site
  3. There are a lot of writing I will need to do and things to be able to say.
  4. I can communicate with pictures, text, and video about things that interest me that I want to share.
  5. Doing my own means that I can help others set up theirs.
  6. It's free
This blog will blog will be divided into several categories:
  • General - announcements and miscellaneous thoughts that I can't put into any category
  • Family - stuff about family
  • Church - I am active in my church, things dealing with church issues will go into this category
  • Theology - Bible study subjects, videos, and articles dealing with apologetics and religion
  • Movies - I love cinema and this will be used to discuss the art form
  • Comic Books - comments on the industry, characters and such
  • Television - shows that I like
  • 'Technology - Computers, science, engineering
  • Video Games - I have played video games my whole life and this will encompass the industry, software, and hardware
  • MUGEN - a hobby of mine that is a customizable video game engine.
I'm sure that I will be making more categories as time goes on but this will be it for now.