Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Line of Fire » Blog Archive » March 23, 2010: Brown vs Buzzard pt 2

This was a great discussion. I liked it better than the first one. I think Anthony Buzzard is sincere. I just totally disagree with him when it comes to the deity of Christ and the Trinity. I think his sticking point is that He argues that God is a person and not just a being. This leads him to reject the pre-existence of Jesus. and reinterpret a lot of scriptures in a way no one in orthodox and historic Christianity understood. This one is definitely worth listening to.

Line of Fire » Blog Archive » March 23, 2010

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Memorable Keys to the Greatest FEAT in History

I've found this great page from the Christian Research Institute that allows you to read a short book by Hank Hanegraaf that explains and defends Jesus' Resurrection.. You can even buy a print copy if you want.  I like this. It concisely explains the most importantly part of Christianity.

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Adnan Rashid vs. David Wood: The Satanic Verses

This was an interesting debate. It's over a specific text in the Qur'an (Surah 53) that apparently came from Satan not Allah that Muhammad spoke. Rashid attempts to prove that there are no Satanic verses and David Wood argues that it is really a part of Islam casting suspicion on the whole text. Listen to Rashid's argument about why the Qur'an is more reliable than the Bible. He used the same faulty arguments against the Bible that has been refuted (look at the other posts on this blog on his debates). This debate is definitely about that  reliability of the Qur'an because if Muhammad had delivered a text from Satan that disqualifies him as a prophet. I think David wood was able to prove his point without lying about the reliability of Qur'an while Rashid said things about the Bible that I know is not true.

Adnan Rashid vs. David Wood: The Satanic Verses (Part One of Four)

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Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: DavidW on Gnosticism and Calvinism

Rhology.has posted a very interesting article discussing the relationship between Gnosticism and Calvinism - in other words no relationship at all! The post does a good job in explaining the differences views on predestination.

Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: DavidW on Gnosticism and Calvinism
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