Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More Zombie Stupidity

Okay, done laughing? Good.  There are some people who actually view things this way.  Not only do they have really think that "Christianity" and "Atheism" are like this but it's wrong. Christians don't believe this. Atheists don't describe their beliefs this way either. The picture is important because it does show what some Atheists erroneously think Christians believe and vice versa. I have heard both misrepresent the other this way.  This post is to call for people to honestly represent the beliefs of others, if you are going to critique them, whether you agree with them  or not. Or you should shut up.

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Theology at the Movies, in Books and on Television, part 1 of 2 | True Freethinker

Mariano, has written a great article analyzing the theological fallacies behind the movies Constantine and Seven Pounds. He is spot on. I think that there is an effort to bring Judeo-Christian theology to the same level as any other fairy tale or myth to be played with, changed, or retconned at will. I'm not even sure if we can say that it's consciously intentional but to change the message is to take ownership - making it easier to ignore as a myth. Discussions like these are necessary so that we don't forget what the real message is and confuse fact with fiction.

Theology at the Movies, in Books and on Television, part 1 of 2 | True Freethinker
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A Failure to Do Real Apologetics: The Classical Face-plant #2 : RealApologetics Blog

Golgotha Crucifix, designed by Paul Nagel, Chu...Image via Wikipedia
I read an article tweeted by Brian from Apologetics 315.  I like it, but..... the author criticizes William Lane Craig for failing to arguer for Biblical inerrancy and suspend the truthfulness of scripture:

So, the classical apologist says that we can’t yet appeal to Scripture as our final authority – at least regarding the resurrection. For that reason, Craig asserts that we should accommodate to the unbelieving mind. We should do whatever it takes – even suspend the truthfulness of the Word of God (!) – so that unbelievers will become Christians. Forget the fact that our most trustworthy testimony and description of who Jesus is comes from the Bible and that God commands us to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, the Bible must be set aside until the proper time (post-salvation). Piece by piece, chip by chip, we (religiously neutrally) work our way towards the fullness of the Christian worldview.
I understand the frustration. When I listen to debates by William Lane Craig and Dinish D'Souza. 
and their opponents attack scriptural inerrancy and the Bible text is challenged, I want to see them fight for the truth of the Bible. At the same time I see that they are avoiding these issues because they see that the their opponent is on;ly trying to shift the focus of the Gospel. I have never heard William Lane Craig or D'Souza compromise the truth of the Bible but arguing from external evidence outside the Bible  does have a place in witnessing. Some people actually get saved because of the work of Craig and  D'Souza.. For some their apologetic works and i see the hand of God in their ministries and i am certain that God is using them. That is what matters. I see Dr. Craig's endorsement of molinlism as problematic and even unbiblical but ui don't think believing it means that you are doing a disservice to non-believers because in witnessing debating the existence of God and the Resurrection it wouldn't come up. I hope Craig will soon stop teaching molinism because it's not scriptural but if you want to have the sovereignty of God and human free will in the same worldview I don't see how you can teach anything else.

A Failure to Do Real Apologetics: The Classical Face-plant #2 : RealApologetics Blog
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