Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Kinder Gentler McCain?

Yesterday, McCain tried to put the genie back in the bottle. After weeks of some of the meanest political mudslinging I have seen against anyone leveled at Barak Obama, McCain was booed at his own rally when he made positive remarks about Obama. What would you expect after weeks of poisoning people's minds against Obama? As a whole the human race is not very bright. Jesus said that we are like "sheep without a shepherd" (myself included). After several weeks of telling people what a boogie man he is and that we should be afraid of him, there are going to be some people who will believe it. People who already don't trust black people. Some people who are reasonable intelligent may believe the hype. Here is a video clip from YouTube from that speech yesterday:

Did you get a load of that woman at the end who said that she has researched Obama and then said that he was an "Arab". That was the reason she doesn't trust him. Obama's father was not from from Saudi Arabia or from any Middle Eastern nation! Anyone who has done the miniumum of research knows that. There is real anger being directed to Obama by some McCain supporters. I think they are really afraid that Obama may win. Some people are getting nasty and calling Obama a socialist. Check out a video from October 9, 2009:

I think its fear of Obama's race coming to the surface. It was okay when they thought that he had no real chance of winning the White House, but now it is too close to reality.

A stupid Argument

Have you seen the John McCain Ad that tries to link Obama with an American Terrorist. See what I mean:

So what if Bill Ayers was a terrorist. Let me explain what I mean: It is a thin line between a patriot and a terrorist. In the end, it only matter what side you are on. If you were a British citizen in the 1770's and 1780's then George Washington would have been considered a terrorist. I know that some people might construe those words to mean that I sympathize with the Muslims who attacked America on September 11, 2001. I don't. What I am saying that Osama Bin Laden and all who have worked with him must be caught and executed because they will attack us again. Just like if the British had gotten hold of the signers of the Declaration of Independence the British would have executed them. Does anyone really think that Ayers and his compatriots thought of themselves as terrorists when they were blowing up stuff in protest over the Vietnam war? I imagine that they thought of themselves as patriots. Ayers was tried 40 years ago and found "not guilty" of any crime. He is now an upstanding member of American Society in Chicago...not in Guatalamo Bay!!! He seems like a different person than he was back in the 60's. When Ayers was acting as terrorist in the 60's, Obama was 7 or 8 years old!!!!! How can he be blamed or implicated in anything Ayer's group was doing?

Is Obama Psychic?

On July 30, 2008 Barack Obama predicted that the Republican campaign in general and McCain in particular would turn ugly in terms of personal attacks on him. Was he psychic? Nope. Just a black man who is more aware than I've actually thought about the pervasive Racism in this country. I found a great video on YouTube that does a great job in taken that Obama's speech from July and intercut it with current speeches and ads by McCain and Palin. You will see that everything that he said they would say is being said. I knew Obama was right in his prediction. He's black and of course they are going to try to "lynch" him.