Monday, October 26, 2009

Playin' Around with Providence

Here is the lecture on "Middle Knowledge" Dr. White gave at a conference last Friday., October 23 2009. It is very good and I'm convinced that middle Knowledge does not explain how God runs reality.

Playin' Around with Providence: Part1

Is There A connection Between Jesus and Zeus?

The Twelve Olympians by Monsiau (late 18th cen...Image via Wikipedia
I really enjoy the History Channel series known as Clash of the Gods. In the series myths are explored and evaluated and the historical underpinnings are examined. Although it's not explicitly stated the "clash" is between the mythological god who is the subject of episode versus Christianity I say this because each episode does seem to try to suggest that Christian doctrine and theology is based on pagan myths and legends. This no different of the Zeus episode. Although the parallel is stated, it's not discussed. Let us discuss it now.

Zeus is said to have been born and his father tries to kill him. His father ate all his children because he was afraid that one of them would supplant him. His mother saved Zeus by tricking the father, Chronos, to eat a huge rock instead of the Baby. A full treatment is given in the following link: Jesus And Zeus May Not Be So Different After All - The Striking Parallels between the Christian Nativity Story and the Pagan Birth of Zeus

Where Christ was born in a manger in a cave, Zeus was also born in a cave. Where Christ was surrounded by animals that gave him warmth when he was born, Zeus was brought sustenance by the she-goat Amalthea. Where Christ was hidden from King Herod, Zeus was also hidden, this time from his father Cronus, who ate his other children whole.

Furthermore, Christians believe that Christ was crucified, died and was resurrected. The myths of Crete in Greece have it that the Cretan-born Zeus died in the autumn of each year and was reborn again in spring.

I find it shocking that Jesus' nativity would ever be compared to Zeus' birth. Baby Jesus being attended by animals is not even in the Bible. That idea was added later. Also to equate the flavor of the Zeus legend that has him dying and being reborn cyclically, sounds a lot more like Odin than the way Zeus was known all over Greece. It just doesn't hold up.

Let's compare Jesus and Zeus' character. Zeus was vengeful, womanizer and a serial rapist. In no way is Jesus anything like him. But a lot of men are like him. Zeus threw thunderbolts, but the Bible tells us Jesus controlled all of the power of a storm - not just Thunder and lighting. The interesting thing is from my research I have found that in the ancient world that only a god could control the weather. Jesus spoke and the weather obeyed. The Bible is clearly saying the Jesus can do things that Zeus was never said to do. In the myths, Zeus is said to dispense justice to men and the other Olympian gods. Jesus, as we see Him in the Bible, dispenses Justice and Mercy. Jesus also directly helps people - he heals the infirm, and he even raises the dead. Zeus never sacrifices himself for anything or anyone...he is selfish and self-centered. He is the complete opposite of Jesus. I see no way that if Jesus was made up that the archetype on which He is based is anything like Zeus. Jesus was a real person who actually lived and there is no such evidence for Zeus' existence.

I saw an internet question that caused a lot of insults against Jesus. The question asked who is more powerful: Jesus or Zeus? I was amazed at the answers people gave.They showed that they knew nothing of Jesus. One was that Zeus beat the tar out of monsters and the Titans, and then He asked what did Jesus ever do. I have an answer. Jesus beat death. Jesus conquered sin. Through Jesus we have victory over sin and reconciled back to God! That's more than anything Zeus has done. That is what Jesus did for me. A better question is what has Zeus done for you?

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Today on the Dividing Line: A Review and Refutation of Middle Knowledge

[[Luis de Molina, engraving by F.G. Wolffgang ...Image via Wikipedia
On last Thursday's Dividing Line pod cast, James White gave a sneak preview of the lecture he will give on the nature of God's sovereign will with an emphasis on refuting "Middle Knowledge" also known as Molinism (proposed by the guy on right,. originally). Now, I've posted on this subject before, but Dr. White did such an awesome job of defining it and explaining why it's Biblically untenable as a preview to the conference he lectured at last Friday, the I had to post a link to it. He directly challenged the public view of William Lane Craig. I admire WLC, but he is wrong on this middle knowledge thing. I would like to see a debate between these two on this subject.

Today on the Dividing Line: A Review and Refutation of Middle Knowledge
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Christian Apologetics - Life and Doctrine: Trinity : Is the Father Identified as God?

Mariano continues his series on the Trinity. In this installment, he summarize the scriptural passages that show the Father is named God throughout the Old and New Testaments.

Christian Apologetics - Life and Doctrine: Trinity : Is the Father Identified as God?
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