Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dr. Claude Mariottini - Professor of Old Testament: Barack Obama: The New Joseph

Barack Obama and Michelle ObamaImage via Wikipedia
 Here is an interesting article. It's about how some Catholic Bishops who happen to be African, are comparing Obama to the patriarch Joseph. I have some serious problems that Dr. Mariottini has been chronicling - Obama has been compared to many things no man should be identified with. It frightens me. The African bishops said that:

Archbishop Gabriel Charles Palmer-Buckle of Accra, Ghana said Wednesday that there was "a divine plan behind" Obama's election.

"It's like the biblical story repeating itself," he told reporters, citing the Old Testament figure Joseph, who after being sold into slavery in Egypt ends up becoming a top official.

"We believe God has his own plans. God directs history."

I don't believe that  Obama's life mirrors Joseph closely. Joseph was a slave in Egypt and he was not born in Egypt, and while Obama did endure the problems that come with being a black man in the United States - a member of a persecuted minority in a larger society, it does not exactly match up with Joseph.

Dr. Mariottini aslo has posts discussing other things that Obama has been equated to: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Messiah, and pope.

I'm concerned.I don't think Obama is claiming anything like these things for himself but people are putting these things on him. I don't think he is the Anti-Christ but if people are used to seeing a man described this way, they will more easily accept the Anti-Christ  when he does show up for real.

Dr. Claude Mariottini - Professor of Old Testament: Barack Obama: The New Joseph
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CNN Fact-Checks SNL's Spoof on Obama

Last Saturday on Saturday Night Live, there was a scathing parody on Barack Obama. I did not see all of it last Saturday, but CNN did a story on it showing what they got right and what they got wrong. What has Obama accompilshed and what he hasn't. Take a look at first at the skit and then is the CNN commentary.

Two Quick Apologetic Tips on the Trinity

Alan Kurschner has written a great article on defending the Trinity against two different charges.

1. How can there be three and one at the same time?
2. The assumption that if Jesus has a lesser role than the Father, he must therefore have a lesser nature.

I think Kurschner does an  awesome job of explaining why these points only show the one who uses such arguments does not understand what the Bible says about the nature of God. This is a must read.

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Dr. Claude Mariottini - Professor of Old Testament: Holding the Bible Hostage

The Codex Gigas from the 13th century, held at...Image via Wikipedia

Dr. Claude Mariottni has posted information that I did not know. The Portuguese Bible is not being made freely available digitally. Personally, I believe the Bible should be freely available in all languages in every single format via any media that information can be used to translate information. I think that those scholars who do translations should be compensated but I think (and I could be wrong) that they are making comfortable livings writing and lecturing. Personally, I would love to learn Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic so I could read God's Word without viewing it through someone else's eyes.

Dr. Claude Mariottini - Professor of Old Testament: Holding the Bible Hostage
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