Thursday, March 25, 2010

Monergism vs. Synergism on the DL Today

Today Dr. James White  and Dr. Michael Brown debated Calvinism as promised. It was awesome Brown is a non-Calvinist  but he isn't an Arminian either. Although I don't agree with Brown on how he understood the scriptures they talked about both were awesome.  I liked hearing these. Today they discussed John 6, Romans 8-9, and  Ephesians. 1. I cant's wait for next week.

Monergism vs. Synergism on the DL Today
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The Merged Gospels (Matthew Mark Luke John)

There is now a book where all events found in the 4 gospels have been placed in chronological order. I've seen similar books but nothing exactly like this project.

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The Merged Gospels (Matthew Mark Luke John)

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Red Sea Crossing Discovered. Artifacts & Evidence

Many skeptics say that there is no evidence of the Book of evidence. Some people disagree.  I found a great article linked below that explains some of the evidence. I realize some people dismiss Ron Wyatt as a crack pot and not everyone agrees with his conclusions, but I think that we need to look at his evidence ourselves. I look for conflicting arguments.

Red Sea Crossing Discovered. Artifacts & Evidence
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Debunking Christianity: Nightline Face-Off: "Does God Have a Future?"

John Loftus has posted a video that shows a discussion that aired on Television. It wasn't most of a debate. Samuel Harris and Michael Shermer wanted to argue that the God of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism is irrelevant and need to be forgotten. Deepak Chopra and Jean Houston agree! They disagree that religion and spirituality need to be cast off. Exclusivity of truth needs to be destroyed,according to all of them. I really disagree with all four of them!   When it comes to the Bible and God's sovereignty thay agee with one another. I wonder why they Christians, Jews, and Muslims were excluded from the conversation?

Debunking Christianity: Nightline Face-Off: "Does God Have a Future?"

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Debunking Christianity: What is the Difference Between an Education and Indoctrination?

I recently read a post by John Loftus on his blog about the differences between being educated and being indoctrinated. I find that I agree completely with his viewpoint. Knew I'd find something on his blog worth supporting.

As I have said before, if a Christian reads through my book and his faith is strengthened then it did him no harm. In fact, it did him good. If however, reading through it destroys his faith, then that faith was not worth having in the first place.

Become educated. If all you ever do is read Christian apologetics books in response to the arguments of atheists like me, then you are not being educated. Here's an example of what I mean. Look at my friend Dr. Norman Geisler's review of my book (the former self-published edition, Why I Rejected Christianity), and what I wrote about his review. There is no comparison between reading his review of my book and reading it yourself, as I've said before.

Again, become educated, not indoctrinated.

I find the post interesting because on one hand, Loftus argues that its wrong to present information from one side and not present the truth that many intelligent people interpret the information differently and why they see it that way, yet many atheist refuse to even discuss intelligent design and think that it should never be taught in our schools. By Loftus' and my own definition of indoctrination - Macro Evolution is not being taught to our students, they are being indoctrinated. To be fair to Loftus, I don't know if he denies ID should be taught along side macro the classroom, but I know a lot of atheist don't think it should be. Who is indoctrinating whom?

Debunking Christianity: What is the Difference Between an Education and Indoctrination?
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