Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's Really Hit the Fan Now

I have just read on the Black Snob blog a very interesting summary of current events involving people who flip out and kill other people due to "-isms" like racism and homophobia. The most shocking story is about an 88 year-old men who walked into the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum today and shot and killed a security guard who was black! This was James von Brunn, an 88-year-old white supremacist. I googled the story and came across an article from CNN. He was apparently motivated by the fact that he denies the Holocaust ever happened and that Anne Frank's diary is a hoax. I wonder how many people's other worldview will cause them to break like von Brunn. I mean we have an African-American President that had to shock him. IF anything all of this shows us that Jesus is returning soon!

Carrie Prejean -- Fired!

I just found out that Carrie Prejean has been fired from being Miss California. They are saying that its because Carrie did not fulfill her contractual obligations such as making the public appearances that pagent officials have officially sanctioned. If this is true then I can see why she lost her crown. However, I'd like to know if they were constantly asking her to go places and say things against her conscious. I'm going to be following up on that.


D-Day Archival Footage

Truthbomb Apologetics: Flash Video: The Problem of Evil

The Truthbomb blog has posted an incredible post showcasing a flash video discussing the following question, "How Can a Good and Loving God allow Evil?". People often try to use this question to deny the existence of God. After all it is a question we must all deal with and come to grips with. "If God exists, then why does He allow pain and suffering? Why doesn't He just eradicate it?" The thing about the question presupposes that

1. We truly know what good and evil are.
2. We can hold God accountable to our standards not His.
3. That if God did obliterate everything that is evil we will be left standing...which we would not.

The video is way more philosophical than I would like. It uses the free will argument and I'm not comfortable with that. I think we can argue that Adam and Eve were perfect free-will agents before they sinned - actualizing evil; but we who came afterward are enslaved to sin and can't claim free-will. Jesus is the only avenue for our redemption and escape.

Truthbomb Apologetics: Flash Video: The Problem of Evil