Saturday, October 11, 2008

Is Obama Psychic?

On July 30, 2008 Barack Obama predicted that the Republican campaign in general and McCain in particular would turn ugly in terms of personal attacks on him. Was he psychic? Nope. Just a black man who is more aware than I've actually thought about the pervasive Racism in this country. I found a great video on YouTube that does a great job in taken that Obama's speech from July and intercut it with current speeches and ads by McCain and Palin. You will see that everything that he said they would say is being said. I knew Obama was right in his prediction. He's black and of course they are going to try to "lynch" him.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, everyone hates black people. That's why we elected him.
    Actually I am disappointed in the 50% "white" part as well.
    Maybe its time you people that scream the race card, should
    wake up. Maybe this just wasted the right man. This country
    is not stupid and wont be fooled twice. I for one, look for character
    not skin color. So your flimsy argument wont hold up much longer.
    You will not shame us into voting for his fake because he is black.
