Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Confident Christianity: Debate on Women in the Bible and the Koran

Mary Jo Sharp recently debated Tabasn Hussain on the topic of Women in the Bible and the Qur'an. It's interesting to see two women discussing this issue especially since both Christianity and Islam are accused of denigrating women. I loved Dr, Sharp's presentation. She made a great defense for how the Bible sees women. She seemed to be fair to the Muslim's view. Dr. Hussain however misrepresented Genesis 1:26. While you may try to explain "man" as meaning only "male" you have to ignore verse 27 to think that male is more important than female. I also don't think Hussain fairly represented what the Bible teaches about who was responsible for humanity being kicked out of the Eden. The Bible does say that Eve was deceived but like the Qur'an put the responsibility on Adam. I think Hussain also tries to use the New Testament to say that the Christian church tells women to be quiet. I think Hussain's explanation about the passage about dealing with wayward wives does not hold much weight. No where in the Bible does it say its okay to use physical violence on the wife.  Hussain employed many tactics that I see Muslims used time and time again. She used non-Christian sources and used men as sources. She even used the Biblical imagery of adultery and prostitution being equated with apostasy to say that the Bible condones rape?!!! However she repudiate honor killings while it is an establish practice non-western muslim countries because the majority of western scholars do not view the Qur'an that way. Why is it okay to argue that way when it helps her and not to argue that way when it helps her? This is part one. I can't wait to see the next part of the debate because I hope to hear some interaction between them. They both raised questions and great points I want to see how they deal with the issues being raised.

Answering Muslims
Confident Christianity: DEBATE VIDEO
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