Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Unbelievable? 4 Jul 2009 - Peter Hitchens debates Islam

I found a great interview/debate on the Internet in which Peter Hitchens and Ibrahim Mogra debate on the subject on which is better for Britain - Christianity vs Islam. Here is an introduction I saw on the website where I got the debate:

Peter Hitchens vs. Ibrahim Mogra: Is Islam or Christianity the best future for Britain?
July 4, 2009 on Premier Christian Radio
Peter Hitchens is a well known journalist and Anglican Christian. Unlike his atheist brother Christopher, he believes Christianity is an essential bedrock for society. He says Islam will fill the spiritual vaccuum of Britain if secularists have their way.

Ibrahim Mogra represents the Muslim Council of Britain. He says that Muslims are only interested in living harmoniously within society.

They discuss Sharia Law, multiculturalism, religious freedom and more.

Some great points were made. One fact that I did not know was that there are now more Muslims in Britain than Anglicans! I had no idea! I think Hitchens made good points. My problem with trying to harmonize Christianity and Islam.  They both claim to be objectively true but they say opposite things. They both can't be true. Either you reject both or accept one. You can't accept both. Another important point Peter Hitchens made is the fact that if Christianity is recedes people still need spirituality and something else will take its place - Islam. And the same things could happen in the United States and there will be more Muslims than Christians. Do we want a society like Sudan, Paskistan, Iran, or Saudi Arabia.

Unbelievable? 4 Jul 2009 - Peter Hitchens debates Islam
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  1. With the name of God, Peace be unto you.

    I take exception with the last comment, "Do we want a society like Sudan, Paskistan, Iran, or Saudi Arabia"

    I'm sure your aware that Iran is Shi'a and Sudan is not. Are you aware of the literacy rates of Pakistan, and Sudan? I think it's unfair to say that if Islam predominates in the United States we would have a society like Sudan or Iran.

    I think quite the opposite I think it will bring racial harmony in America something sorely needed, bring down crime. Islam is a conservative religion. When an inner city youth embraces Islam he embraces a faith that teaches him to be conservative infact more so in many ways than Republicans! This is something that is not appreciated by his in laws who may or may not be Christian.

    Christians have a duty to not sit on the back side and be non players. You don't have to agree with Muslims or Mormons theologically to fight crime and build schools. Atleast Christians like Rick Warren among others are already anticipating Islam being a permanent part of the American landscape.

    Infact all of those Christians who embrace Islam are going to be the 'key players' in the shaping of Islam in America. Say for example you yourself embraced Islam. You have no idea the impact and the responsbility you would have in shaping the American Muslim agenda. It would be huge!

    So Christians can either engage their Muslim neighbors and have understanding or be hostile and bitter and very unChristian in behavior and loose out in the process. Choice is yours.

  2. I'm not sure if you listened to the discussion yet, but if it bothers you that I think our society could turn into Sudan or Pakistan, I think that means that you see something wrong in those societies. please correct me if I am wrong. In that case I would also assume that you think that those societies are not reflective of what a society dominated by Islam would necessarily have to be. Can you point to a single society in history where Islam dominated and the society you alluded to existed? Help me with this, please, I can't think of one. For that matter no where has everyone gotten along perfectly as Jesus said we should. I agree that Christians must engage everyone with gentleness and respect, but we can't loose sight of the fact that Muslims teach fundamentally different theology than Christians teach. They both can't be true...but we can disagree without being disagreeable.
