Monday, March 2, 2009

Bart Ehrman Rears His Head

If you haven't heard the debate between James White and Bart Ehrman concerning the topic Does the Bible Misquote Jesus? you are missing out! Here is another link to get to it. Ehrman has just released another book. It's entitled: Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (and Why We Don't Know About Them). James White has weighed in on his blog. His comments bear reading:

So says Bart Ehrman when you challenge his highly challengeable theological conclusions and claims. Ehrman's new anti-Christian book, Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (and Why We Don't Know About Them), is lying on my desk, having just arrived. I flipped the book open to the back and my eyes fell upon this statement:

There is not literally a place of eternal torment where God, or the demons doing his will, will torture poor souls for 30 trillion years (as just the beginning) for sins they committed for thirty years. What kind of never-dying eternal divine Nazi would a God like that be? (p. 276).

Now, aside from the inherent problems (poor souls = innocent souls, the issue of divine justice, the continued hatred of those under punishment for God, etc.) in this common atheistic blast, the real issue is, does this book finally signal the end of Ehrman's "I'm not a theologian, I'm just a high-brow scholar so I cannot be held accountable for all the theological pronouncements I make" excuse making? Will those in the "academy" finally see his real intentions, and start to recognize his bias? Personally, I sort of doubt it. Anyone who is embarrassed by the open profession of the lordship of Christ over the mind will not wish to risk their next invitation to some major conference by pointing out Ehrman's bold anti-Christian zealotry. But churchmen who recognize when a wolf is stocking the sheep will do well to cull some of the whopper statements in this book as excellent examples of the fact that Ehrman is no unbiased textual critical scholar. He has moved far beyond the realm of his narrow expertise in his last three most popular books, all of which are designed to do one thing: destroy Christian faith.

I might note that the quote above would be just as applicable to the Islamic view of the fire as well. Just don't ask Bart about that. As he begins his rounds on NPR, do you think someone will ask him, "So, you are saying Allah in the Qur'an is a never-dying eternal divine Nazi?" Yeah, probably not.

It really infuriated me during the debate when Ehrman denied the theological implications of his conclusions while at the same time affirming that it was why he is no longer a Christian. Ehrman can't have it both ways. He also can't make assertions against the validity of the Bible without also applying those same conclusions to the Koran. It's dishonest. I doubt that Ehrman ever was born again Christian who truly ever knew Jesus. He doesn't talk about his faith as one where he had a relationship with the risen Christ. If he did he would come to different conclusions. I hope He finds Jesus and knows him so he won't be lost and that he'll stop leading others astray.

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