Monday, March 2, 2009

Craig vs. Ehrman Debate The Resurrection

I tell you the Apologetics 315 blog is a gold mine! I just found a debate between Bart Ehrman and William Lane Craig. They debated about whether the Resurrection of Christ is a fact of History or Not. To be honest, it is my opinion that Craig, who argued that the Resurrection is a fact of history, won this hands-down. Let me put it in the venacular of my generation: Ehrman got owned. The Resurrection is a subject of Dr. Craig's expertise and he did a wonderful job presenting it. It's so important that I would like to post audio below as well as a transcript of the debate. Here is the link to the Apologetics 315 post:

Apologetics 315: PDF Download: Craig vs. Ehrman Resurrection Debate Transcript

My favorite part of the debate was when Ehrman tried to argue that there are other possible explanations for Jesus' empty tomb. His point was that God supernaturally raised Jesus was improbable. Dr Craig countered by appealing to the work of a scholar from Oxford University who uses Probability Calculus to show the odds that Jesus was raised from dead against other possible explanations. I loved it. Here is the audio and the transcript.


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