Tuesday, August 3, 2010

God Centered vs. Man Centered: the Dividing Line

James White's webcast today was too good not to share. He talked what really separates us from Roman Catholics and what the nature of the Gospel really is. I agree with him. This isn't a small issue. The issues Dr White covered today is what the main point of the Protestant Reformation was and should still be: God is the beginning and ending of everything and He has chosen to redeem his people from their sins. Great news!

Covered two primary texts on the program today, Hebrews 7:25 and James 2:14, but I did so in the context of recognizing the difference between a God-centered faith and a man-centered one. I drew illustrations from my debate with Robert Sungenis on the Mass that took place in Utah a number of years ago. An hour of biblical teaching, no calls, but I think one of the more important discussions we've had on the Dividing Line. Here's the program.

(I noted that the debate with Sungenis on the Mass was one of the clearest examples of theocentric faith vs. anthropocentric faith I know of. You can get the debate here).

God Centered vs. Man Centered: the Dividing Line
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If God didn’t exist…would atheists? Matt Slick and ex-atheist David Wood | True Freethinker

Matt Slick and David Wood kick around a rather provocative question. Of course my answer would be that without God there would be nothing or no one. Thank Mariano Grinbank for this one.

If God didn’t exist…would atheists? Matt Slick and ex-atheist David Wood | True Freethinker
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Adolf Hitler Was a Christian! Was Adolf Hitler a Christian?, parts 7, 8, 9, 10 | True Freethinker

There are the latest part of Mariano's latest series of posts examining the canard I see so often in which people argue that Christianity is responsible fore most of the evil in the world because Hitler was an Christian. Of course laughable, but need to be answers. Mariano Grinbank does exactly that.

Adolf Hitler Was a Christian! Was Adolf Hitler a Christian?, part 7 | True Freethinker
Adolf Hitler Was a Christian! Was Adolf Hitler a Christian?, part 8
Adolf Hitler Was a Christian! Was Adolf Hitler a Christian?, part 9
Adolf Hitler Was a Christian! Was Adolf Hitler a Christian?, part 10
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Apologetics 315: Terminology Tuesday: Thomism

Now here is a word you don't hear too often...and certainly not in a sentence. Thanks to Brian Auten for posting this.

Apologetics 315: Terminology Tuesday: Thomism
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