Friday, September 4, 2009

Darwin's Surprise MP3 Audio by Dr. Charles Thaxton - Apologetics 315

Brian has posted an interesting Lecture by Dr. Charles Thaxton. Thaxton's title is Darwin's Surprise: Why Darwin Wouldn't Write the Origin Were He Alive Today.

Darwin's Surprise MP3 Audio by Dr. Charles Thaxton - Apologetics 315

This is great lecture. I like the idea of looking at what data Darwin had available to him in the 1850's versus what we have now, namely the cell and DNA. Thraxton even discusses problems with his theory that was known in Darwin's own time. This is a must-listen and should be considered.
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  1. A 1992 lecture that conveniently avoids uncomfortable facts like DNA linage, germ theory, Tiktaalik and your inner fish, soft tissue fossilization, the fact that creationism is older than Darwin and was totally debunked by his work and Wallace's, not to mention this clown is out and out lying about adequate time and the fact that we have more examples of evolved phyla. Again typical garbage, from the Lying for Jeeezus set. Just because you are not grown up enough to accept reality, don't think we are going to let you peddle your garbage without recourse.

  2. Tiktaalik is not a missing link between any live animal species (please only God can resurrect the dead). Thraxton did not need to bring up DNA or germ theory to validate the point he was making. You argument boils down to "What about DNA and Germ theory" but you are not responding to anything the man said. IF you are going to refute something, arguing by assertion is not enough. What is that he said that you disagree with and why? Prove your case. You have offered none
