Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Truthbomb Apologetics: 'Religion-free' Haiti Relief Fund

This is a great post from Chad over at Truthbomb Apologetics. I join him in congratulating Dawkins and other atheists in raising money for Haiti. I thank God for their help and I also agree that it's silly and wrong to argue that atheists are incapable of doing good things and caring about other people. They clearly can and do. However, Chad is correct, atheism does not explain how or why we should care about what happened in Haiti. I want to quote Chad's closing because I think it sums up the only way a Christian can respond to this move by the Atheists.

In closing, I want to once again commend Dawkins and his fellow atheists for providing relief for those in Haiti; and, it is indeed wrong to say that atheists cannot be good or live ethical lives. However, from the atheistic worldview it is unsustainable why it is better to help the Haitians than to not help the Haitians.

It's really a major issue for me because my wife is Haitian. She was  born in Port-au-Prince and still has many relatives and friends there, including her father. Miraculously, they all survived the earthquake, but lost their homes. Even more, I find even more miraculous is their attitude. They like every single survivor that I have heard speak credit and thank God for their survival and for the help of the world. My father-in-law and his wife actually experienced the hand of God preserving them and bringing them out of the wreakage of their home that collapsed on top of them. He said he knows that God saved their lives. He said he heard a voice tell him how to lead his wife out, crawling out of the house. He knows it was God. And my wife's cousin  escaped her house collapsing on her and her baby by mere seconds. When she realized that there was an earthquake she grabbed her baby and left the house.  There are other miracles. Other examples of God's grace and power in the face of devastation. We were praying and continue to pray. No way can we say that prayer does not do anything. The survivors themselves disagree with the worldview of the atheists. Those who actually are suffering are holding on to God while some of those who are rejecting God are wondering why would a loving God allow such a thing. The contrast is striking. Note: the picture is of my father-in-law, Marion-Phillip with my daughter, Makayla from when he visited the States in 2007.

Truthbomb Apologetics: 'Religion-free' Haiti Relief Fund

1 comment:

  1. Marcus,

    Thank you for posting this. Please keep us posted on how your wife's family is doing.

