Saturday, August 14, 2010

Danielle Belton's The Black Snob - The Snob Blog - Dr. Laura Wants To Know Why She Can't Use the N-Word

Danielle Belton has written a great article on the advice Schlessinger gave a black woman who is experiencing disrespect and racism from the white family she married into. I agree with Ms Belton and disagree with Dr. Laura. A black person does not give up the right not to be called "nigger" just because they marry a white person.  As Ms Belton said:

Apparently, they liked to use the N-word and such around her and Dr. Laura got all kinds of "get over it" because that's just what you're supposed to expect if you marry outside your race. You DESERVE all the racist hell relatives unleash on you (according to Dr. Laura). You're asking for it and just like wearing a miniskirt is an invitation for rape: White people can't help but be racist towards you. You're black! (Per Dr. Laura) So why so serious? Why on Earth would she find a racially loaded pejorative so inflammatory? It was almost like she expected people to respect her as a human being.

Danielle Belton's The Black Snob - The Snob Blog - Dr. Laura Wants To Know Why She Can't Use the N-Word

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