Thursday, September 9, 2010

Answering Muslims: Should the Qur'an Be Burned? David Wood and Pastor Terry Jones Debate the Issue (with Calls from James White and Sam Shamoun)

If you want to make a statement to Muslims as a Christian and protest the idea of building a mosque at site of the World Trade Center, wouldn't you think that David Wood, James White, and Sam Shamoun should carry some wieght? i mean I don't think it should take a genius to realize that burning Qur'ans is a bad thing to do and insults a multitude of people on a fundamental basis, but these three expert witnesses to Muslims telling you it's a bad idea should really bring the point home. The man in the center of the controversy, Terry Jones, recently debated the issue with David Wood. And James White and Sam Shamoun both called in andf joined their voices against burning Qur'ans. I hope Pastor Jones listen. It's only September 9, it's still not too late for him to change his course. I think it's a bad idea because if the goal is to show all people the love of Christ, including Muslims, unnecessarily insulting Muslims is counterproductive.

Answering Muslims: Should the Qur'an Be Burned? David Wood and Pastor Terry Jones Debate the Issue (with Calls from James White and Sam Shamoun)
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