Sunday, September 5, 2010

Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: The Council of Nicaea – Pictures and Images can be Deceiving

One of the most often repeated objections that I have received against the Bible is the charge that Christianity as we know it was finalized at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD under auspices of the Roman Emperor Constantine. I have found a great article about why many of these idea are outright lies or misunderstandings. Here is a quote from the article. 

What do many liberals/skeptics/agnostics/atheists (like Dan Brown of The DaVinci Code book and movie fame) , Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and many other people have in common as a mis-perception of Christianity? Sometimes it is just misunderstandings, but sometimes there is deliberate deception and outright lying about what happened at Nicaea. If told often enough, the mis-understanding gets embedding in people's thinking.

You can read this article and gain a great deal of information. It even include some links to some other good articles on this subject by Dr James White and Dr John Piper.

Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: The Council of Nicaea – Pictures and Images can be Deceiving
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