Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Time and Time Again: The Complete History of DC's Retcons and Reboots - ComicsAlliance | Comic book culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews

One of the reasons why I like comic books is because it shows fundamental fact: keeping track of a universe is really difficult. Both Marvel and DC publish stories of fictional universes, populated by thousands of characters and told in multiple books every single month by variety of talented people over years since 1938! How do you keep such stories continuous and consistent? Well, being human, they can't! So when characters and stories become unwieldy and confused, what do you do? Reboots and retcons!!! Basically, you start over and ignore past stories that contradict what you do now. At least, in current times, you write huge events across multiple bkooks to explain and give reasons why the history of characters change! Sometimes these things are well done and don't make longtime readers feel cheated. DC Comics is going through such changes now in which they are rebooting nearly all of their books and starting over coming late August. Comics Alliance has posted a great article giving a history of DC's reboots. Turns out that it's happened a lot more than I've thought.

Makes me even more grateful for God because He knows everything and in his soveriegnty he doesn't need to reboot any of our lives to ensure consistency and to fulfill His purposes. Retcons not necessary if you are God.

Time and Time Again: The Complete History of DC's Retcons and Reboots - ComicsAlliance | Comic book culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews
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