Friday, March 30, 2012

Rick Santorum Calls Obama A "Government N*gga" - It Never Stops

I can't believe it. When it rains it seems to pour.

Santorum was speaking at a rally in Janesville, Wisconsin, still locked in the ferocious nomination battle with Mitt Romney and still desperate to become the true conservative standard-bearer of the Republican party.
"We know the candidate Barack Obama, what he was like – the anti-war government nig …" he seems to say, then suddenly stopping, and changing tack to add: "America was a source for division around the world, that what we were doing was wrong."

 It seem incredible and yet enough wiggle room that people can believe it didn't happen. Did Rick Santorum really refer to the first Black President of the United States by such an ugly and racist word? As a black man raised in the United States, I can't say I'd be surprised - not shock but a more of an attitude of having my own suspicions proved correct.  Personally, I think that most of President Obama's critics and political opponents frequently refer to him this way in private.

People are divided on whether or not its true or not. I admit that I don't know Santorum's heart and I can't read his mind, but I don't see how this is not a Freudian slip.

I’ve watched this video 14.5 times.  I’ve meditated on it, prayed over it, laid hands on it, and sent it to my mama.   I had to take a moment to thank God that Rick Santorum, in his conservative brilliance, has finally released videotaped evidence of the kind of smoking gun that many millions of us can use to prove that he is every bit as racist as we’ve always known him to be. -  Dr Boyce Watkins Source

Not everyone agrees, but sees other possibility.

It is hard to think of exactly what word Santorum was about to use. What word beginning with "nig-" comes naturally after government? It has been suggested he was trying to say "-nik", as in peacenik or beatnik. That is possible. Or perhaps, it was some non-specific verbal tic: a random vowel-consonent flub. - Paul Harris Source

Okay. I don't buy it. But Okay. Here is the offending part of the speech.

Here are three articles on this.
Rick Santorum: another slip of the tongue but was it the 'N-word'?
Did Rick Santorum almost say the n-word during speech?
Rick Santorum Calls Obama A "Government N*gga" | News One

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