Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Newsmax taking Aim at Obama

I'm not sure if anyone who reads this have read Newsmax but it is always conservative and pro-Republican. I just read an article asserting that the reason why Obama is ahead is because people are to preoccupied dealing with the economy falling all around us to pay attention to Obama's negative aspects. With a title like ACORN could cause Obama's Fall I know you can see how they are trying to spin this. They enumerated the following "negatives":

1. ACORN caught registering fake voters.
2. Association with Jeremiah Wright
3. Association with Bill Ayers
4. Association with Antoin "Tony" Rezco

Let's take these one-at-a-time shall we:
1. Voter fraud and stealing elections is reprehensible but the article only implies and does not prove that Obama has had anything to do with it. Further, the article admits that Obama is so far ahead ACORN's alleged actions would not have made an impact. Finally, do the Republicans really want to talk about stealing elections? I mean with Jeb Bush, the brother of G.W. Bush being governor of the very state that had electoral "issues" in the 2000 election no one could not say that those shenanigans can't be placed at Bush's front door could they?

2. C'mon!!!! Does anyone truly think that Wright hates America and white people and by extension so does Obama? If you do then maybe you need to watch a whole sermon by the man and look up his record and biography. Even if you disagree with the man, you can't ignore his service. He served America in the same war John McCain did.

3. Obama was a child during Ayer's activist days. Since when does "activist" equals "terrorist".
It seems silly to think Obama has anything to do with that. Ayers has moved on. So should everyone else. Ayer's picture is on the left.

4. I had to google this guy (picture on the right) because I hadn't heard of this scandal. Apparently he's in jail because of financial corruption and government contracts in Iraq. So. Considering how Bush, Chaney, and other Republicans are mixed up in all of that too, do they really wanna throw stones because Obama knows a guy who was mixed up in it?

I'm not saying Obama walks on water or turns water into wine or anything. But the Republicans are going to have to better than that to win this thing if winning means scandalizing Obama and his reputation. The arguments they are using do not work because they are silly. If they try to hit him on abortion or same-sex unions they risk alienating some voters, making the Democratic ticket stronger. Stick a fork in this one folks.

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