Monday, November 3, 2008

Updated: To Sean Hannity: Don't Drink the "Haterade"

If you haven't watched Sean Hannity on Fox News, you have missed some of the most biased journalism I have ever witnessed. He seems to hate Barack Obama and seems personally insulted. I think that it is good that people should scrutinize Obama, but it should be truth. Hannity seems to be trying to find anything at all to disqualify Obama from being President, and he can't do any better than the lies, falsehoods, and fact-manipulation that we have witnessed throughout the campaign from Fox News. This list was broadcasted last week and by now you probably realize that most Americans ignored Hannity, but I think its worth looking at why his list doesn't make sense. If this is his reasons why he would not vote for Barack Obama, this list represents why I did.

I made some notes on his points, I have to ask "Is that all you got?" His points are in bold my comments are in bold red

10. Judgement - Questionable Associations
a. Jeremiah Wright
b. Father Flagger - connected to Farrakan
c. William Ayers
d. Frank Marshall - Poet, Communist
e. Tony Resco - felon
f. Rashid Kalide -Palenstenian who says that it is ok to resist Israel
g. Percy Sutton - Dr. Kahlid Almon Sur (Black Panther Party mentor; Black
Nationalist; hates Israel;
Asserts Obama's associations would not allow him to be an FBI Agent

Well I guess its good then that Obama is not trying to be an FBI agent huh? I agree that who you choose to hang around with does speak to who you are, but each of these people have either been misrepresented or the attempt to connect them to Obama is tenuous at best. C'mon, you know people who are not exactly law-abiding too. Does that make you a bad person? No!

9. Media Darling - appoints him a celebrity, supported by hollywood, no critical
view or analysis on him or positions.
a. His associations
b. Redistribution of wealth

Did you hear one of the criticisms that Hannity uses in the clip: 9. Media Darling. Hanniyt's problem with Obama is that the media has made him a media darling. So was John F. Kennedy. So was Ronald Reagan. So what? Hannity claimed that the media has not scrutinized Obama enough. Hannity is part of the media. He might as well say he hasn't done his job. His argument is that we should not vote for Obama because liberal Hollywood and the media like him. Can't he do better than that? He also insinuates that Obama has been linked with radical and terrorist men and the media has done nothing to call him on it. What does he want the media to do? Round up a posse and lynch Obama? What I saw was that Obama knows a lot of people, some of whom he disagree with. none of them are less American than you or me. With each of the people he brings up you can't say any of them are un-American or criminals. If you do, then so are Bush, Cheney, and many others. Can't he do better than that? I think the mainstream media did not pursue these stories because they are non-issues. Everyone has associations with some people that other's don't like. Hannity seems to think that Obama should shun people that Hannity do not like or disagrees with. What is this? High school?

8. Joe Biden - was a bad VP pick. I don't see Biden putting his foot in his mouth all
the time, Just Hannity twisting his words

I've posted on this point before, but I want to re-iterate that I think Biden is correct that some of enemies may decide to see how far they can push us because they want to test Obama. So. I don't think they would not test McCain. Our enemies think we are weak, decadent, immoral, and about to collapse at any time. They think god is on their side. Why wouldn't they hit us regardless of who is President?

7. Consistency -flip flops too much
a. October 2007 - no flag Lapel
b. Accepty public financing
c. Immediately withdraw troops
d. FISA Bill
e. Jerusalem must be undivided, next day changed
f. Withdraw from NAFTA

When is changing your mind or opinion flip flopping? According to Sean Hannity, there is no difference. Makes no sense. It's like he has already decided not to vote for Obama and now is trying to rationalize that choice.

6. Out of the Mainstream - Elite, clinging to education
a. Looks down on average Americans
b. Against Abortion
c. Sex education to kindergarteners
d. Too much gun control
e. Provide amnesty to illegal immigrants

Here, Hannity's jealousy really comes through. His tone seems to dismiss Obama as if to say, "How dare he be black and intelligent and educated, challenging all of my pre-conceived thoughts and prejudices about what Black men are like!"

5. Too many democrats - no check and balance on liberal agendas
a. Universal health care
b. New Supreme Court
c. Compromised National Security

Hannity paints a nightmare scenario where Democrats will have the power to pass any liberal laws and ideas they want without restraint if they have the Presidency and control of Congress. I think that he may be unable to sleep tonight. We will still have the Supreme Court to act as a check and balance. Ordinary citizens made their influence felt in this election using the Internet, I doubt that this influence will not play a role in an Obama administration.

4. Divisive Politics
a. Farakahan calls him a "messiah"
b. John Louis compared McCain to George Wallace

Asserts racially tinged rhetoric but with no examples

3. Taxes and Spending
a. People who don't pay taxes will get a check for the government.
b. Scaring other countries from doing business for us

With the economic brain trust advising him, I think Obama has more an idea of what to do about the economy more than Hannity.

2. Foreign Policy
a. Inexperienced
b. Will draw our enemies to attack us
c. Sitting down with enemy nations without pre-conditions.

1. Lack of Experience
a. Used the rhetoric from the Democratic Primaries campaign where Clinton
and Biden said Obama was not ready.

Sean Hannity remarked that Obama has done nothing major or important to be where he is. My question is what has Sean Hannity done to deserve his won television show? I have never heard of him before Fox News. What makes his opionions so important that he should be on the air waves? Not even enough. At least as a community organizer, Obama did touch people's lives. And as a Senator, you touch lives just by going to work, not to mention the legislation and other duties Obama has performed. What has Hannity done that touched any lives? Sean Hannity, stop hating. You seem very jealous that you have not had the same level of success in life as Barack Obama. In addition, John Kennedy, Carter, Truman, and several other Presidents had very little Foriegn Policy experience but made a great Presidents. Also I am amazed at how nasty the compaigns was and now that it's over, I wonder how can they just put aside all the spilled blood and work together. After the things Biden and Hillary Clinton said, Obama has seemed to let all that go and work with them. This is something else that I think will make him a great President.

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