Sunday, December 7, 2008

"A Day That Will Live On In Infamy"

On December 7, 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. It's one of the watershed events in History that defined and affected everything that came after it. My paternal grandmother had a cousin that was stationed there during the attack. When he was ordered to stay at his post on steel-hulled ship, risking his life, his feet were badly burned yet his life was spared. When he was later sent back home to Georgia, he was given special shoes that he had to wear until his feet healed. He was persecuted and mistreated by white people when he returned to Georgia. They ridiculed him because of his shoes. There were many American heroes that day at Pearl Harbor. Some of them were African-American. At that time the Navy and the rest of the American military was segregated and although they never experienced the freedom they fought for, African-American soldiers and sailors still fought for America.

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