Friday, January 23, 2009

Too Late To Complain About Obama's World View

I have heard today in an article that some people are upset with Obama that during his Inauguration address he equated all religions the same. They are upset because by claiming equality for all religions, they say that he is denying the "Christian" heritage of the United States. I could use this time to discuss the whether or not we can call Americal a real "Christian" nation and what that means, but I'll abstain. Instead I have a question I have to ask these people who are now complaining: When did you figure out that Barack Obama did not share our worldview completely?
By "our worldview", I refer to Bible-believing, Holy-Spirit-filled Christians. I mean he has always been consistent about not putting the Bible above the worldview of the World. I mean didn't they watch Rick Warren's "Showdown at Saddleback Church" last July? I saw it. I know that in his view Islam, Hinduism, Atheism, Buddism, and whatever else is just as valid as Christianity and should be treated equally. He has said it so many time. Don't complain now. I'm not saying that I agree with Obama's worldview on this point but it is the predominant viewpoint of American culture today.


  1. Great blogs...very interesting. Keep up the great work! Please visit God bless, and keep researching God's word.
