Saturday, September 19, 2009

Passing on Great Information

My friend, Mariano, has sent me two pieces of information that is just too good not to post. He's come across a video that explores Pagan attempts to copy Christianity in the first and second centuries of the common era. The video is called Defeating The Myth-Storians He sent me the product description that reads:

In this three-part video series, Joel McDurmon takes you back to the first-century church to give you an understanding of the attacks on the gospel from the prevailing pagan mystery religions of the day. Joel presents the life and writings of the apostles, the early church fathers, and other compelling evidences, in defending the person of Christ and dismantling both old and new myths and their myth-storians. PART 1: The Myth-Storians in Action PART 2: Bible History: Fact or Fiction? PART 3: Man to Man: Defending the Faith Against Mere Myths

Mariano was also able to attend the Discern Conference for 2009 and has sent me a link to listen to the presentations during the conference. I've only listened to James White's presentation on Islam so far but I enjoyed it. Here is the link.

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