Wednesday, September 9, 2009

President Obama Address School Children

Sen. Barack ObamaImage by SEIU International via Flickr

I don't get it. If you are not aware there has been a huge hoopla since last week because Obama planned to address America's children broadcast to classrooms around the country. The speech was delivered Tuesday, September 8, 2009. It has been insane! People have said it was inappropriate for the President to address children in a speech without their parents knowing exactly what he will say. Apparently they were afraid that Obama would try to convince children (who can't vote nor direct public policy) that his agenda concerning health care reform and bailing out banks and industries contrary to the wishes and values of the offended parents. All Obama did in the speech was encourage our children to study hard and take responsibility for their education. Hardly controversial. It seems simply fear. Obama's opponents are so afraid of his ability to inspire people that they don't want children directly exposed to his ideas. Pathetic. The funny thing to me is that every President since FDR in the 1930's have used mass media to address all Americans including children. I'm also amazed about the parents who thought that keeping their children out of school will keep them from hearing the speech considering that the the speech is being carried all over television and the Internet. Here is an interview I found from CNN where Anderson Cooper really ripped into the Florida Republican Party Head Jim Greer over his remarks concerning President Obama

Here is the speech

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