Sunday, October 25, 2009

onegoodmove: Richard Dawkins - Bill Maher

Dawkins at the University of Texas at Austin.Image via Wikipedia
Bill Maher at the PETA screening of I Am An An...Image via Wikipedia
I saw Richard Dawkins' appearance on Real Time, and I'm offended. They seemed to be just going back and forth bragging that they are not Christians. It was bothersome to me that there was no rebuttal and no interaction with any other viewpoint.

onegoodmove: Richard Dawkins - Bill Maher

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1 comment:

  1. You are "offended" at what they "seemed to be" doing--please! :o)

    That show is about Pavlov feeding his dogs red meat.

    Remember that they are such the good little puppies that they even got on Hitchens' nerves to the point that he gave the audience a fully extended one fingered salute.

    Maher and Dawkins can elbow each other in the ribs all they want yet, their fallacies are all the more pronounced for doing so.


    PS: hope to see you in Nov.
