Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This Sounds Familiar

St. Peter's Basilica at Early Morning Photo wa...Image via Wikipedia
I was going through my blog feeds and I found a post from James White about Frank Beckwith  talking smack against Frank Turk. I agree with Dr. White and Turk that Beckwith offers no logically defensible, let-alone theological defensible, reason for turning from Catholicism to Protestantism and then back to Catholicsm. I mean what is this? Musical chairs? I agree that the problems pointed out by Turk concerning Roman Catholic dogma as being unbiblical are unscalable and if you don't hold those pieces of their doctrine than according to them you are anathematized. I agree with Turk. If disagreeing that Mary was immaculately conceived and bodily assumed to heaven and co-redeemer from sin,  or rejecting transubstantiation, celibate priests, purgatory, and all other unbiblical teachings, make me anathema according to the Roman Catholic Church, then I'm proudly anathematized. When I read the quote from Beckwith on the blog post, I had to wonder where did I hear that before? Beckwith wrote:

I had no idea that Mr. Turk was so gifted in the clairvoyant arts, able to not only jump the space-time continuum to observe my teenage years but to pierce the veil of cognitive and spiritual privacy in order to extract from my soul the reflections, contemplations, and judgments that were instrumental in my journey back to Catholicism. Given his unusual interest in comic book aesthetics, perhaps he possesses powers not unlike the mutants that populate the imaginary world to which he seems so drawn (pardon the pun). Or perhaps he is just ill-mannered and presumptuous.

Then it hit me: This is the same kind of things I get from atheist on Twitter! Scary. Take a look at White's blog post and then tell me he's wrong. For that matter Turk's remarks are unassailable He's right. Roman Catholicism as taken from the official teachings of the Popacy is not the same Gospel as found in the Bible That's not saying that all Roman Catholics hold to these ideas, but I think it is fair to say that if you don't you may not be a true Roman Catholic.
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