Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Announcement: Biblical Exegesis Series

The Codex Gigas from the 13th century, held at...Image via Wikipedia
The Bible is an awesome book. It's so deep you can spend the rest of your life studying it and still won't get out of it everything there is to get from it. I thought it might be interesting and useful for anyone who might be reading my blog to start a series where I take difficult and often misunderstood scriptures and attempt to apply a consistent hermeneutic to exegete the text. Hermeneutics is the art and science of Biblical interpretation and "exegesis" is drawing the meaning of the text from the text and not reading in presuppositions and biases. It would be most useful if readers would participate with me.

a. You can post your own interpetation of texts covered here and link me to them through the comments. We can all have some great dialogues back and forth about what we disagree about and why.
b. You can suggests scriptures that should be covered
c. Please offer your own insights, questions, and concerns in the comment section.

I think starting out, I would like to do one of these once a week and I hope you will go on this journey with me. I plan to choose scriptures based on feedback from readers as well as scriptures that just plain interests me.
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  1. Mazel tov!
    I know that I am known for taking on atheism but hermeneutics is one of
    my favorite things to do; particularly when tackling oft misunderstood
    and difficult texts.
    May God richly bless you!


  2. Thanks, Mariano. I'm highly excited to see what God will reveal to us as we interact with his Word! Please feel free to share any insight He gives you...I'm gonna need it.

  3. Cool! I'll try and think of a good verse or two to suggest.
