Monday, March 15, 2010

Debate: Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? - William Lane Craig vs Marcus Borg

Marcus Borg speaking in Mansfield College chapel.
I'm not sure if I posted this before but here is a debate from 2001 in which William Lane Craig debates Marcus Borg regarding the Resurrection. I don't consider Borg a Christian because he denies the physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus and Jesus' deity. He uses much the same language as Christians but means someth8ing entirely different. I do hold that the Bible is literally true, but it does have symbols and metaphors. Jesus Resurrection and the empty tomb are not examples of metaphor.

Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

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  1. Ha, coincidental that you post on this the day I listen to it. Borg's position is almost disgusting to me, not only because it denies the truth of Jesus' resurrection, but also because it is so intellectually bankrupt. It is something a little kid would come up with. He basically asserts that we should believe a silly proposition based on how it makes us feel even though we can't really know anything about it. I could never believe in such a childish thing.

  2. I agree. If you deny that Jesus rose from the dead, you are not a Christian.
