Friday, March 12, 2010

Iron Sharpens Iron: Anthony J. Carter: Black, Reformed, but Foremost Christian

Anthony J. Carter was interviewed on Iron Sharpens Iron.He offers insight as to how he got saved and became reformed. He spoke about black Christian culture in America and provides some great insight. He was quoted to have written:

As our guest Pastor Tony so profoundly put it, "...our service--yes, our worship and allegiance--is not first to the black cause, though noble it may be at times. It is not first to the Reformed cause, though grand it may appear to be. It means that our service is to Christ first and last, now and at all times. If we can serve Christ while sincerely serving an African-American cause, then let us do it. If we can serve Christ while promoting a Reformed agenda, then by all means let us do so. But if Christ is in conflict with the black cause or the Reformed agenda at any point or at any time, then may we have the courage to say, 'Away with blackness and away with Reformedness--give us Jesus and Jesus only'. It means that we must understand that Martin Luther King Jr. gave his life that we might vote, but Christ gave his life that we might live. Frederick Douglas gave his life that we might be free from slavery, but Christ gave his life that we might be free from slavery to sin and death. We are black; there is no mistaking that. We are Reformed, and make no mistake about that. But these two distinctions have revelance only insofar as they are understood in light of the fact that we are Christian. C.H. Spurgeon said, 'I am never ashamed to avow myself a Calvinist; I do not hesitate to take the name of Baptist; But if I am asked what my creed is, I reply, "It is Jesus Christ"'..."

Amen, Amen, and Amen! Listen to the whole interview at the link below.

Iron Sharpens Iron: Anthony J. Carter: Black, Reformed, but Foremost Christian
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