Monday, March 1, 2010

Stand to Reason Blog: Atheists' Non-belief (Video)

Greg Koukl from the Stand to Reason ministry has answered a ubiquitous challenge from Atheists that attempts to put the burden of proof on theists saying "I'm not claiming there is a god and you are therefore you have to prove it." Koukl answers in response to a question he received:

I've grown frustrated with Atheists saying to me that they don’t have to give any arguments or evidence to support their view, because they are not making any claims. They have a "non-belief". One atheist told me he is not required to provide evidence that there are no fairies living under his house either. This seems so cheap, so lame, yet I'm not sure how to make that obvious to them. What do you suggest?

Here is Greg Koukl's answer!

I find this very useful because I come across this argument a lot when all their other arguments fail. I mean when you can't prove that the Bible is False and you don't want to concede the point that there is good evidence for God's existence...what else are you left with: This sham of an argument. To go from making the claims that there is no God and The Bible is false or that the Bible is immoral and then when the arguments fail under their own weight against scrutiny they retreat behind "I'm not making claims, you are!" Dishonest indeed.

Stand to Reason Blog: Atheists' Non-belief (Video)

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