Monday, March 1, 2010

An Open Letter to Dr. Hugh Ross

I came across a great letter to Hugh Ross from a fellow Christian and Scientist named Lambert Dolphin. He agrees with Ross on some points and disagrees on others. I myself find myself agreeing and disagreeing with both of them. What I like about the letter is that respect for Ross is evident although he disagrees with him on some points. I wouild love to see a dialogue between these two (pictured Lambert Dolphin). You can checkout Dr  Lambert Dolphin's website also.

An Open Letter to Dr. Hugh Ross
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  1. That letter is dated 18 Feb 1989............

  2. "Scientific truth is relative and limited, Biblical truth is absolute and eternal". How funny. Evidence to support the former assertion, fair enough, we dont/cant know the limits of science. Evidence to support the latter assertion, zero. Cock all. Double standards? Ha ha ha.

  3. The letter is no less important. You could disprove the the Bible if it were possible. You could try to come up with some half-baked trope but it won't work. Even a failed argument is better than no argument.
