Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fistbump Quote of the Day - THEOparadox - The Biblical Paradox Blog: Calvinism, Systematic Theology and Scripture

Accepting Biblical paradox does not harm Systematic Theology; it enhances it. A well-developed Systematic Theology is essential and useful, but Biblical and Exegetical Theology are supreme. You can't have an accurate Systematic Theology if you don't have an in-depth knowledge of the texts themselves. To the extent that any system rejects even one tiny drop of the Bible, it reduces its own validity as a Christian system and partially cripples itself. Let's rather have a system that is hard to explain - yet Biblical to the core - than a system that explains itself by reducing the Word of God to man-made concepts.

THEOparadox - The Biblical Paradox Blog: Calvinism, Systematic Theology and Scripture
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