Friday, February 6, 2009

Kent Brandenburg vs James White

I'm amazed about the criticism James White has received concerning his debate against Bart Ehrman. I have to wonder did they hear the same debate I did?! On his blog, White points out the following example:

Alan Kurschner reviewed a KJV Only article yesterday, and the author [Kent Brandenburg] (who wrote his first post without having listened to the entire debate, completed his review. The level of bias flies past the level of sheer bigotry, as seen in this amazing paragraph:

In fairness to Ehrman, even though I hate the work that he does, he has a higher standard for text that comes from God than White does. White acts like any of us should expect errors. I think it is White's Calvinism---God wanted errors in the text because of the greater good there would be (something like that). The reason Ehrman, it seems, is willing to trust Tacitus more than the Bible, is because Tacitus doesn't claim inspiration or preservation. The Bible does.

Well there you go! Remember that a few months ago I played clips from a KJV Only radio program and demonstrated that the KJV Onlyists hold Ehrman's position, right along with the Muslims: "We need a variantless text, no matter what the realities of history are." And here you see it again. Of course, one can only imagine what an encounter between one of these folks and Ehrman would look like, but that's another issue.

Because King James Only advocates refuse to see that the King James Version is not divinely inspire, but the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic texts were they cannot really stand against Ehrman's criticisms. I mean look at Erhman's argument: "You don't have a single original copy on which to authoritatively base your beliefs." The KJV onlies think that the KJV Bible is superior to the older manuscripts but can't prove that it is. The men who translated the KJV admitted themselves that their translation was not perfect. So what can they say yo someone like Bart Ehrman? Nothing. They have no logical apologetic, yet they refuse to let go of their presuppositions instead of just studying and researching the facts. There is a logical explanation and a defense for every criticism Ehrman levies against the Bible. James White, with the help of the Lord, did a powerful job defending the faith.

Here is the Preface of the King James Bible from 1611.

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