Wednesday, November 11, 2009

THE APOLOGETIC FRONT: Dr. Terry Mortenson defends biblical creationism on public radio

Modification of Image:Huxley - Mans Place in N...Image via Wikipedia
I appreciate Mike for placing this link on his blog a few days ago. I had a chance to listen to the discussion and I would really like to see Dr. Terry Mortenson to be given the opportunity to explain the evidence for a young earth. Instead there was a lot of ideas and thought batted around. I wanna see numbers people! Unfortunately, there are few scientists who accept evolution who are willing to engage in real meaningful debate with scientist who disagree. Each side should give their best evidence, best objections, and conclusions and see who still standing when the smoke clears. I wonder if I will ever live to see such a debate? I guess for now I will have to settle for the debate I found posted on the Apologetics 315 blog concerning an Old Earth Creationist debating a Young Earth Creationist. Here is the link to the post I did pointing to that.

THE APOLOGETIC FRONT: Dr. Terry Mortenson defends biblical creationism on public radio

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  1. There are actually plenty of debates out there like this. For one, on my blog I have a dialogue with a "progressive creationist" where I defend a young earth from a biblical standpoint.

    Other resources you can check out are from where you can watch a very lengthy debate on the site as well as purchase some dvd's for other debates. has plenty of this as well. In addition, there are a plethora of books which deals with the scientific evidence for a young earth that I'd be happy to point you to if you'd like.

  2. Thanks! I guess what I'm thinking of was a full debate with evolutionists where numbers and evidence of both sides are presented.
